i have like 310 i want to bust out for extension certification. with' 100% human hair and a manniguen with a table stand. i know that's not my main focus but from what' ive actually learned this is a good sales price.
but what does wug ugly know.
shut up. i need to not sucks at like the end. ANYONE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE OFF TOMORREE GIVE ME A HOLLAH
the lst Wednesday of the month we don't have school
i have like 310 i want to bust out for extension certification. with' 100% human hair and a manniguen with a table stand. i know that's not my main focus but from what' ive actually learned this is a good sales price.
but what does wug ugly know.
shut up. i need to not sucks at like the end. ANYONE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE OFF TOMORREE GIVE ME A HOLLAH
the lst Wednesday of the month we don't have school