Ummm... yeah.. what do you call it when you just want to escape from reality?
This is sooo my quote for the day! Where is skip? FF or rewind?
The moon is one, but on agitated water it produces many reflections.
Similarly ultimate reality is one, yet it appears to be many in a mind agitated by thoughts.
I never would have smashed my finger in the door the other day if my mind wouldn't have been in multiple places. I have so many other things I need to be thinking about. No insurance! I did make a splint out of a Dove bar stick and 2 band aids with the help of "B".
I have so many other things to be thinking about.. like BIG ONES
Ahhhh get a J-O-B, preferably with corporate whore benefits that will not only pay the bills but also allow me to define my life around soul it.........
j/k! Nah. it would help if it made me somewhat happy for half of my waking life! I also have the medical exam from the defendant ie. road rager that ran me off the road and into a wall causing me to flip and roll my car. This WILL NOT be fun.
They are basically putting me on trial because I got his plate as he ran from the accident. Oh... and my love life...
I really need not worry about such trivial things as of yet. Friends and fun... life and real love like family should be the only things occupying my time.
I've got work to do...........after all... the state's paying me........................
This is sooo my quote for the day! Where is skip? FF or rewind?
The moon is one, but on agitated water it produces many reflections.
Similarly ultimate reality is one, yet it appears to be many in a mind agitated by thoughts.
I never would have smashed my finger in the door the other day if my mind wouldn't have been in multiple places. I have so many other things I need to be thinking about. No insurance! I did make a splint out of a Dove bar stick and 2 band aids with the help of "B".
I have so many other things to be thinking about.. like BIG ONES
Ahhhh get a J-O-B, preferably with corporate whore benefits that will not only pay the bills but also allow me to define my life around soul it.........

They are basically putting me on trial because I got his plate as he ran from the accident. Oh... and my love life...

I've got work to do...........after all... the state's paying me........................

And I crush so easy.
Crushes on real people are worst cause then you run the risk of being all twitchy and creepy.
Especially with the cute girl at the video store.
dumb-ass diddles would come in and ask, in front of their kids, "where's the non-fiction section?"
i'd stare for a moment, then ask "what kind of non-fiction are you looking for?"
blank stare from the customer..."well, whatever is NOT fiction." said like i was the total idiot.
hmm...i'd kinda roll my eyes around, thinking "where do these fking morons COME from?!" but i'd point to the fiction section and say "well, that is the fiction section. anything other than that is pretty much non-fiction. were you interested in biographies? cookbooks? computer stuff? art?"
in a totally snotty reply, "i don't know! my kid has to do a book report using a non-fiction book. where do i look for that?!"
of course the kid had no idea what to think or say, because they were so USED to this kind of dumb-ass-ness.
many times i'd have to get my manager because the customer would become so outraged that i wasn't helping them at all.
i weep for the children of this country, who are supposed to be our future. what will we do when they are taking care of us? we will all die miserable, lonely deaths...
EDUCATE THE CHILDREN! kill the parents.