"Based on your accomplishments, experiences,
and goals, tell us why you want
to pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA) degree at the Ross
School of Business and how all that you
describe will contribute to your sucess in
the program."
Here I am,
so nervous,
feeling so inadequate.
So less than as far as my educational abilities.
How will I ever get into a school that's so elite? Will I really have to take that SAT test and have some skyscraper score?
I totally refuse to do charity work just to pad my resume or application, shit, I am a charity case pretty much. What am I going to do, be a big sister and say don't do it like I am, just try to be better?
I'm overwhelmed, and my family has never "been there done that" so I'm on my own. I'm lost as to how to transfer from a local community college where I thought I'd save money to the big university where I'm expected to an extent to know what the hell I want to do so I don't waste time or money.
So I navigate web pages getting closer and read everything I can in my off time. four semesters down and I know it's getting closer. I've got to find a counselor that's worth a damn.
I just want to be able to afford to continue going to school. I envy the kids that just get to go. Although I was one once, kind of. I still worked 3 jobs but didn't realize how good I had it.
Back to the beginning of this post, I'm looking over the admissions application essay portion and I notice a misspelling. Now I'm by no means a grammar cop. After a car accident in 2003, I had to relearn many things that I took for granted before, and probably do today thank goodness. Simple spellings, and math which I'm still relearning.
So it warms my heart that that fucker went to press with "success" misspelled.
and goals, tell us why you want
to pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA) degree at the Ross
School of Business and how all that you
describe will contribute to your sucess in
the program."
Here I am,
so nervous,
feeling so inadequate.
So less than as far as my educational abilities.
How will I ever get into a school that's so elite? Will I really have to take that SAT test and have some skyscraper score?
I totally refuse to do charity work just to pad my resume or application, shit, I am a charity case pretty much. What am I going to do, be a big sister and say don't do it like I am, just try to be better?
I'm overwhelmed, and my family has never "been there done that" so I'm on my own. I'm lost as to how to transfer from a local community college where I thought I'd save money to the big university where I'm expected to an extent to know what the hell I want to do so I don't waste time or money.
So I navigate web pages getting closer and read everything I can in my off time. four semesters down and I know it's getting closer. I've got to find a counselor that's worth a damn.
I just want to be able to afford to continue going to school. I envy the kids that just get to go. Although I was one once, kind of. I still worked 3 jobs but didn't realize how good I had it.
Back to the beginning of this post, I'm looking over the admissions application essay portion and I notice a misspelling. Now I'm by no means a grammar cop. After a car accident in 2003, I had to relearn many things that I took for granted before, and probably do today thank goodness. Simple spellings, and math which I'm still relearning.
So it warms my heart that that fucker went to press with "success" misspelled.

You seem to be so strong, and maybe that you feel so weak, I don't know, but that's usually how I feel.
No matter what, I know that if you work, the best things are going to happen to you.
Also, I would have love to go to that fair.
Knowing it before, I would have come.
Or I could have sent you some stuff for you to sell it there (if you would have liked to). You would have been paid by the same kind of goodies that you would have sold haha.
I'm a dreamer.
Why refuse to play the game now? These programs would rather have real people that want to be there then just a check from some douchebag. Be yourself, state your case, maybe have a professor write an intro or recommendation or something, you'll be fine.