Crazy things my dreams are
The ones I have at night I mean
I dreamt my roomie was moving
He told me as his new girlfriend sat looking all fat and sassy, taking half my rent in her pocket
That was last night as I slept miles away in my boyfriend's bed
Tonight my roommate tells me that he's moving out to save on his commute because gas is killing him his little ford ranger really sucks it up! (ok, well moving closer to work will cost you more in rent, but whatever, just move already)
The ones I have at night I mean
I dreamt my roomie was moving
He told me as his new girlfriend sat looking all fat and sassy, taking half my rent in her pocket
That was last night as I slept miles away in my boyfriend's bed
Tonight my roommate tells me that he's moving out to save on his commute because gas is killing him his little ford ranger really sucks it up! (ok, well moving closer to work will cost you more in rent, but whatever, just move already)

Let me know if you ever dream about me...