Update indeed. Semester's over and I have 8 days of textbook free existence until I start freaking out again. That's not true. I have to go and peddle my old books undercover at the bookstore. Walking around aimlessly as if I'm looking to buy until I see some poor sap about to shell out big loot for a book I have under my arm and then start the banter about saving them money. I'm sure it's somehow illegal to undercut the campus bookstore like that, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to buy books. Besides, I like feeling dirty.
That picture has nothing to do with school. Actually it's from the bathroom of the Ann Arbor Film Festival. I think more people should dress like their surroundings. Ooo, or maybe they do and I just don't notice?
I'm seriously happy the weather's broke. I took a trip with a friend to a race track and used it as a chance to sharpen my skills as a photo snapper. My work usually involves cars standing still, so this was a challenge.
Especially when perched on top of a camper/ trailer that some gentleman was nice enough to lend me a view from. heh.. as long as I snapped pics of his car going round and sent them to him.
My legs and face got all red and toasty, which made it feel good to come home and lay on the cool couch and fall asleep watching the movie "Crash". I suppose it was an alright movie. Like a mainstream attempt at deep, but a little too predictable for me.
I'm getting a little too comfortable in my routine, which can only mean one thing.. Change.
Everyone! And yes, that means you. Ever have a moment in your day that you can label as strange? Well, this guy, (I think he's a guy) DJ Darkhorse has put together a podcast and website called
Radio 360 "Music for Strange Moments". You have to check out, no really. Chances are you'll like it and why wait for something you'll like? Just to prove your willpower? oh come one. You're over that. Check our the 5 episodes on the site. Everything from techno to jazz to... oh, I don't even know how to describe it.
It's super.
I wouldn't kid.
That picture has nothing to do with school. Actually it's from the bathroom of the Ann Arbor Film Festival. I think more people should dress like their surroundings. Ooo, or maybe they do and I just don't notice?
I'm seriously happy the weather's broke. I took a trip with a friend to a race track and used it as a chance to sharpen my skills as a photo snapper. My work usually involves cars standing still, so this was a challenge.
Especially when perched on top of a camper/ trailer that some gentleman was nice enough to lend me a view from. heh.. as long as I snapped pics of his car going round and sent them to him.
My legs and face got all red and toasty, which made it feel good to come home and lay on the cool couch and fall asleep watching the movie "Crash". I suppose it was an alright movie. Like a mainstream attempt at deep, but a little too predictable for me.
I'm getting a little too comfortable in my routine, which can only mean one thing.. Change.
Everyone! And yes, that means you. Ever have a moment in your day that you can label as strange? Well, this guy, (I think he's a guy) DJ Darkhorse has put together a podcast and website called
Radio 360 "Music for Strange Moments". You have to check out, no really. Chances are you'll like it and why wait for something you'll like? Just to prove your willpower? oh come one. You're over that. Check our the 5 episodes on the site. Everything from techno to jazz to... oh, I don't even know how to describe it.
It's super.
I wouldn't kid.
Terror and excitement seem to be the same emotion, as always perspective is the only thing that matters. I think I need to read "Steppenwolf" again, I've been thinking abiout the theater and madman's door. Feels like I move further and further from the world inhabitted by most on a daily basis. I was appocolyptic by a friend recently. Maybe I am, but I am convinced that I am seeing things more clearly than most. The further I move from our society, the more insane it looks. How much longer can it go on? It seems like not long, but we've been say that for at least a century. D.H. Lawrence says it all ended with Melville, maybe he's right, the metaphor of the white whale seems apropo.
Goodness, I meant for this to be a quick note about Spain, it seems to have grown a few extra toes. I leave on July first. Remind me wherwe you live, I am doing a fair ammount of travelling within the US this month and it would be amazing to discuss the insanity of the world as we poison ourselves! My liver hates me anyways.
I feel good today, I think I'll get a bottle of wine and take the train to the woods (how insane is that?!)