I know I shouldn't get carried away about this, but I can't help it. I'm so excited about someone I met on FetLife about a month ago. Her name is Kathy. We've been corresponding more and more every day by email, instant messaging along with webcam and phone. Earlier today, for example, we spoke on trhe phone for three and a half hours. The time just flew by. If we didn't force ourselves to say goodby, we probably could have talked forever.
The one significant difference between her and any other woman I've hoped to have a relationship with is that she's seriously into BDSM. I promised myself that any woman I'd consider being with would have to have those interests and that those interests would have to complement mine. So far, so good.
We're discussing taking our relationship to the next level. We're planning to meet face to face some time after New Years. She lives in Ontario, Canada. The plan is for me to go there for a monthlong visit. While there, we're going to find out if we're compatible, both as a couple and as BDSM partners. We have really strong feelings for each other, It's pretty scary, in a good way, and very exciting.
I know I get carried away sometimes about people and things i'm passionate about, so i'm trying to keep my wits about me and stay calm and cool. That's really hard for me to do. I almost have to force myself not to think of her all the time. She's the one who suggested that we spend time together so we can get to know each other better, so I know she has strong feelings for me too.
I'm trying to take a deep breath and be patient. It's so hard for me to do that, but I have to try or i'l go crazy. Easier said than done.
The one significant difference between her and any other woman I've hoped to have a relationship with is that she's seriously into BDSM. I promised myself that any woman I'd consider being with would have to have those interests and that those interests would have to complement mine. So far, so good.
We're discussing taking our relationship to the next level. We're planning to meet face to face some time after New Years. She lives in Ontario, Canada. The plan is for me to go there for a monthlong visit. While there, we're going to find out if we're compatible, both as a couple and as BDSM partners. We have really strong feelings for each other, It's pretty scary, in a good way, and very exciting.
I know I get carried away sometimes about people and things i'm passionate about, so i'm trying to keep my wits about me and stay calm and cool. That's really hard for me to do. I almost have to force myself not to think of her all the time. She's the one who suggested that we spend time together so we can get to know each other better, so I know she has strong feelings for me too.
I'm trying to take a deep breath and be patient. It's so hard for me to do that, but I have to try or i'l go crazy. Easier said than done.
hey i loved inglorious basterds too
josh and i saw it when he came out 

Good luck with getting your life sorted, and with your destiny. I prefer to aim a little lower