Dammit edit here is really a pain in the ass but okay home from work yada yada tired lots of hours last two days happily since my poverty level ass desperately needs them. Thought there were a coupla things I would like to discuss....
There is a new definition of evil. The most evil thing that a person can do in this life is supposedly murder. I believe we as a species have sunk to a new low. This doesnt bode well for us. So, the other night I am watching the idiot box and there are these two lawyers from Illinois being interviewed. It seems that 26 years ago they had a client in some case who confessed to a murder. The clients case was resolved but he never confessed to the murder because it was incidental to his case. The man was protected under attorney/client priviledge. The problem is that another innocent man was convicted and has been in prison for this crime ever since. The actual murderer finally died and so the lawyers are at last revealing the truth. They sat there and with straight faces tried claim that their ethics prevented them from spilling the beans. The reporter quite rightly took them to task and asked why they didnt make someone aware of it, for lack of better words, on the sneak tip. Say, leaking it to the governor or something. These shameless forked tongue lying bastards claimed ethics of all things. So they were trying to do right and good by keeping this innocent man in prison for 26 years. In actuality the reason they never came forward was because they would have been disbarred and lost their careers. To protect their careers and money they let an innocent man rot for a lifetime in prison and presumably a good portion of that on death row. What we have here is the ultimate result of our current law for profit system. I believe what these men did is worse than if they had just shot this poor man with a gun. Unfortunately what they did is not even illegal. Frankly it is so grotesque and made more so by their claims that they were doing this on behalf of ethics which would imply the good, that I believe a Roman style spectacle complete with their public disemboweling is the only punishment fitting for these forked tongue bastards. The only reason these pigbastards are even coming forward now is that they are old and ready to retire anyway. The question that I think is begging to be asked is how many other times does this happen? How many other times do these attorneys take the secret with them to the grave? These fucks said," sure we lost some sleep over it" Frankly their heads should be struck from their bodies and placed on pikes in front of the American Bar Association HQ. Who will most certainly denounce this as an aberration and non-representative of their "ethical" members and standards. Having been in prison for my sins of assisting others in expanding their consciousness I feel very deeply for this man who, mind you, has not yet been released since of course now there need to be hearings and talk about it. When he comes home after being exonerated he will be given a pittance for his wasted life, mental, and soul torture probably not exceeding 100K. That's if he gets that much money at all most prisoners that are exonerated even after serving false life sentences dont get that much. Needless to say I was so troubled by this that I sat for a long time in the dark thinking. I couldnt sleep that night for thinking about this man and what he must have gone through. My thoughts are still with you brother even in that dark hole. Which brings me to my next thought.
I spent some time on the boards today amusing myself trying to stir up some controversy get some talking hell anything to make my lonely day pass because it was slow and after the morning cutie left it was pretty beat. Except for the strange coincidence of three different deadhead mamas coming in weird but that's another story. So, I tell the truth about the things that have happened to me and the things I have seen out there and I'm mocked by jackasses and imbeciles. Well after all it's the web and talk is cheap.
I came off, I guess, Archie Bunkeresque but funny thing there. See thats the triumph of this bullshit. You cant say anything that's not positive or you must be wrong, racist, or lying. Indeed the PC police immediately jumped my shit. I love everybody. Period. Unless your an asshole to me. I try and handle my affairs by being firm but fair.
Yet over and over and over I have been held responsible for stuff that I had no part in and hell wouldnt have approved of. You know its funny assholes really do come in all shapes sizes and colors. Lately and I hate to say it there are a whole lot of them in what I consider my side. That would be the liberal and democratic (frankly at this point they are just as bad as the other and neither actually gives a shit or truly represents regular folks any more but thats another story talk to them about it at their ivy league universities and country clubs) I've said it before and I'll say it again. In any issue there is a weird back door where the two looney extremes on either side of the issue wrap around and become the other side. I wonder how many of the folks mocking me remember what it was like during the hostage crisis? I was a little kid. It was hard. I don't believe what were doing now is the right move. I dont believe that whats going on in Iraq is anything other than the republicans making an excuse yet again to take the war machine for a little spin and make sure it is all tuned up. Yet my believing that doesnt make radical islam go away. I can say it doent exist, its not real but its still there, just like the racism I discussed in my scorned postings. I've got nothing against anyone who's got nothing against me. That's it. I like to think as humans we all want the same stuff in our short lives here on this planet. It'd be nice if we could all come together. Yet in my experience I have been treated like complete shit way too much for stuff I didnt have anything to do with. I'm not gonna pretend it didnt happen but I also dont allow it to pollute how I deal with the individuals that we all are.
I get no love here. Too bad, I really like SG. I am obviously, purposefully ignored. I didnt realize I was so abhorrant a person. I just thought I was some poor hippie, who had stood up for and suffered terribly for what he believed. Amazingly a good chunk of that sufferering was at the hands of the very people I think I stood up for. I'm in prison and Jersey kid schwags me relentlessly, I come home and get more of the same every which way I turn. I cant get away from it because I am personally trapped in an Orwellian nightmare for the purpose of enriching many folks in the legal matrix. One would think here of all places but the extreme left turns into the extreme right. There's a whole lot of real nazi assholes on here pretending to be freethinking, enlightened people on the side of Good. Your not. Trust me it'll count later. Bastardo you really brought it all home to me. I hope that when you get out of the college I'm guessing your mommy and daddy are paying for you get the chance to actually get out there and experience some of the stuff I've seen in my hard, pain filled life. Say whatever the fuck you want but I stood up for what I believed in and suffered for those beliefs in all the ways that it actually counts. Dont click on me indeed. Can I ask why jackass? You think I'm a cop? I'll tell you what assholefuckface why dont you look me up in the NJDOC database.
Then theres the libertarian. Hmmm people who want EVERYONE to have to carry around guns and abolish public schools yeah theres a school of thought that makes it likely for you recognize truth when you see it. Fact is I was drugged while in jail and they did try and assasinate me. The facility I was held at initially was a former military base before it was a prison and it was being closed shortly thereafter. Sound like the perfect spot for some funny business except that the shit goes on all the time except they are usually real careful to make sure theres nobody to talk about it afterwards.
After they opened the jail that replaced the one that I was drugged and tortured in both physically and psychologically with the onein Newark I think they had 9 deaths in one year. I'd suggest that statistic speaks for itself as to what goes on but your dumbass probably cant process that information. Heres one for you if we took away all handguns off the streets then we could disarm the cops and you mark my words. gundeaths in this country would plummet but see the cops dont want that it would mean we need less of them. Heres an example one fine gentleman that I was incarcerated with was a detective who had drunk driven killed a family of four and then drove off. I remember we were discussing it one time and he said that the reason they dont take guns off the street was that it, "thins out the population of scumbags". I would chalk this up to the opinion of one person yet three years later I was being held in another part of the state and a group of prison guards were standing around and wouldnt you know it one of them said the EXACT SAME PHRASE VERBATIM. Now the first guy was a municipal detective from south jersey the second bunch of guys who, by the way all agreed, were guards in north jersey. A completely different branch of law enforcement. Yeah could be complete coincidence but I dont think so. I think that is exactly what these assholes think. Never mind the collateral damage that occurs when the assholes from the criminal drug cartels that they've created so they can get rich fight over a corner. So why dont your libertarian buddies talk about that. I dont wanna have to go around strapped all the time because everyone else is. The whole thing could be done away with just that simply. But, in my ranting I digress.
Bastardo thanx for bringing home to me that I'm wasting my breath here. Ill still hang because I dig SG's. I wanna love them any and everychance I get but theres obviously no point in my posting so I just wont any more. Thanx little brother.
There is a new definition of evil. The most evil thing that a person can do in this life is supposedly murder. I believe we as a species have sunk to a new low. This doesnt bode well for us. So, the other night I am watching the idiot box and there are these two lawyers from Illinois being interviewed. It seems that 26 years ago they had a client in some case who confessed to a murder. The clients case was resolved but he never confessed to the murder because it was incidental to his case. The man was protected under attorney/client priviledge. The problem is that another innocent man was convicted and has been in prison for this crime ever since. The actual murderer finally died and so the lawyers are at last revealing the truth. They sat there and with straight faces tried claim that their ethics prevented them from spilling the beans. The reporter quite rightly took them to task and asked why they didnt make someone aware of it, for lack of better words, on the sneak tip. Say, leaking it to the governor or something. These shameless forked tongue lying bastards claimed ethics of all things. So they were trying to do right and good by keeping this innocent man in prison for 26 years. In actuality the reason they never came forward was because they would have been disbarred and lost their careers. To protect their careers and money they let an innocent man rot for a lifetime in prison and presumably a good portion of that on death row. What we have here is the ultimate result of our current law for profit system. I believe what these men did is worse than if they had just shot this poor man with a gun. Unfortunately what they did is not even illegal. Frankly it is so grotesque and made more so by their claims that they were doing this on behalf of ethics which would imply the good, that I believe a Roman style spectacle complete with their public disemboweling is the only punishment fitting for these forked tongue bastards. The only reason these pigbastards are even coming forward now is that they are old and ready to retire anyway. The question that I think is begging to be asked is how many other times does this happen? How many other times do these attorneys take the secret with them to the grave? These fucks said," sure we lost some sleep over it" Frankly their heads should be struck from their bodies and placed on pikes in front of the American Bar Association HQ. Who will most certainly denounce this as an aberration and non-representative of their "ethical" members and standards. Having been in prison for my sins of assisting others in expanding their consciousness I feel very deeply for this man who, mind you, has not yet been released since of course now there need to be hearings and talk about it. When he comes home after being exonerated he will be given a pittance for his wasted life, mental, and soul torture probably not exceeding 100K. That's if he gets that much money at all most prisoners that are exonerated even after serving false life sentences dont get that much. Needless to say I was so troubled by this that I sat for a long time in the dark thinking. I couldnt sleep that night for thinking about this man and what he must have gone through. My thoughts are still with you brother even in that dark hole. Which brings me to my next thought.
I spent some time on the boards today amusing myself trying to stir up some controversy get some talking hell anything to make my lonely day pass because it was slow and after the morning cutie left it was pretty beat. Except for the strange coincidence of three different deadhead mamas coming in weird but that's another story. So, I tell the truth about the things that have happened to me and the things I have seen out there and I'm mocked by jackasses and imbeciles. Well after all it's the web and talk is cheap.
I came off, I guess, Archie Bunkeresque but funny thing there. See thats the triumph of this bullshit. You cant say anything that's not positive or you must be wrong, racist, or lying. Indeed the PC police immediately jumped my shit. I love everybody. Period. Unless your an asshole to me. I try and handle my affairs by being firm but fair.

I get no love here. Too bad, I really like SG. I am obviously, purposefully ignored. I didnt realize I was so abhorrant a person. I just thought I was some poor hippie, who had stood up for and suffered terribly for what he believed. Amazingly a good chunk of that sufferering was at the hands of the very people I think I stood up for. I'm in prison and Jersey kid schwags me relentlessly, I come home and get more of the same every which way I turn. I cant get away from it because I am personally trapped in an Orwellian nightmare for the purpose of enriching many folks in the legal matrix. One would think here of all places but the extreme left turns into the extreme right. There's a whole lot of real nazi assholes on here pretending to be freethinking, enlightened people on the side of Good. Your not. Trust me it'll count later. Bastardo you really brought it all home to me. I hope that when you get out of the college I'm guessing your mommy and daddy are paying for you get the chance to actually get out there and experience some of the stuff I've seen in my hard, pain filled life. Say whatever the fuck you want but I stood up for what I believed in and suffered for those beliefs in all the ways that it actually counts. Dont click on me indeed. Can I ask why jackass? You think I'm a cop? I'll tell you what assholefuckface why dont you look me up in the NJDOC database.
Then theres the libertarian. Hmmm people who want EVERYONE to have to carry around guns and abolish public schools yeah theres a school of thought that makes it likely for you recognize truth when you see it. Fact is I was drugged while in jail and they did try and assasinate me. The facility I was held at initially was a former military base before it was a prison and it was being closed shortly thereafter. Sound like the perfect spot for some funny business except that the shit goes on all the time except they are usually real careful to make sure theres nobody to talk about it afterwards.
After they opened the jail that replaced the one that I was drugged and tortured in both physically and psychologically with the onein Newark I think they had 9 deaths in one year. I'd suggest that statistic speaks for itself as to what goes on but your dumbass probably cant process that information. Heres one for you if we took away all handguns off the streets then we could disarm the cops and you mark my words. gundeaths in this country would plummet but see the cops dont want that it would mean we need less of them. Heres an example one fine gentleman that I was incarcerated with was a detective who had drunk driven killed a family of four and then drove off. I remember we were discussing it one time and he said that the reason they dont take guns off the street was that it, "thins out the population of scumbags". I would chalk this up to the opinion of one person yet three years later I was being held in another part of the state and a group of prison guards were standing around and wouldnt you know it one of them said the EXACT SAME PHRASE VERBATIM. Now the first guy was a municipal detective from south jersey the second bunch of guys who, by the way all agreed, were guards in north jersey. A completely different branch of law enforcement. Yeah could be complete coincidence but I dont think so. I think that is exactly what these assholes think. Never mind the collateral damage that occurs when the assholes from the criminal drug cartels that they've created so they can get rich fight over a corner. So why dont your libertarian buddies talk about that. I dont wanna have to go around strapped all the time because everyone else is. The whole thing could be done away with just that simply. But, in my ranting I digress.
Bastardo thanx for bringing home to me that I'm wasting my breath here. Ill still hang because I dig SG's. I wanna love them any and everychance I get but theres obviously no point in my posting so I just wont any more. Thanx little brother.
Yeah, word up to Bastardo! He's the man, fo sho.
Ooh. Line breaks. They are really nice. Use them. PLZKTHX