Well, thats that..... You know oddly enough there are plenty of other folks interested in my rantings....
Family. See you at the movies
including hopefully the person Im never gonna lose track of again..
The rest of y'all supposedly freethinkin left wing nazis well you should do what all nazi punks always ought to....l
Stranger, "You sure are dumb."
Maybe so, but I...
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Family. See you at the movies

The rest of y'all supposedly freethinkin left wing nazis well you should do what all nazi punks always ought to....l
Stranger, "You sure are dumb."
Maybe so, but I...
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what the hell are you talkin' about?!

Dammit edit here is really a pain in the ass but okay home from work yada yada tired lots of hours last two days happily since my poverty level ass desperately needs them. Thought there were a coupla things I would like to discuss....
There is a new definition of evil. The most evil thing that a person can do in this life is supposedly...
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There is a new definition of evil. The most evil thing that a person can do in this life is supposedly...
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Yeah, word up to Bastardo! He's the man, fo sho.
Ooh. Line breaks. They are really nice. Use them. PLZKTHX
Well finally home from work and beat at that 14 hours yesterday and 8 today. Lucky I got anything done today at all really considering how much time I spent on here. Thought I would like to talk about a few things....
Okay whole lots of agro in that last blog but the person who it's for fully knows exactly why I would feel the way I do. For everyone else happy happy joy joy.
Stranger Does this road go to the Little Rock?
Hell I been sittin here all day and it aint gone nowhere yet!!!!
Stranger Does this road go to the Little Rock?
Hell I been sittin here all day and it aint gone nowhere yet!!!!
Some people talk about struggling with their demons and its metaphoric for others the struggle is much more tangible.
Bent and broken
a final token
a demon awaken
another life taken
a tortured soul
a life in vain
yet another driven insane
play the music pay the piper
do whichever you think is nicer
blah blah blah something or other
I''ll figure out the rest...
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Bent and broken
a final token
a demon awaken
another life taken
a tortured soul
a life in vain
yet another driven insane
play the music pay the piper
do whichever you think is nicer
blah blah blah something or other
I''ll figure out the rest...
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Y'all wanted all them things loose right? Remember?
Bitch you lke necromancy right?
Bitch you lke necromancy right?
Yeah so i was thinking today a little bit about this person who's obviously completely amazing and really intelligent. Now funny thing is that I used to feel the need to impress people with my erudite conversation and big brain but then I realized that eventually these things wrap around and lead back to the simple. It's like how the extreme positions in any conflict...
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Okay so a lot of folks keep pesterin me and getting on my shit to write something and yet the way I've been treated I havent exactly been feelin like it. The other thing is when I did a lot of people read them or a few people read them and disseminated them to others but either way I get nothing out of the deal....
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Wow so much has happened at any rate shows and life NYC and all kinds of good shit so why do I still feel so much pain constantly? Meeting lots of groovy new folks and doin some singin. Anyway lots to talk about and I will if I can ever get online for any length of time somewhere. For now have to go to work....
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OKay so over everything now. Stoked lost 20 lbs. since the start of the summer! Things are going great and they're only getting better. The future's so bright!!!! I"VE GOT TO WEAR SHADES!
How are you?
Okay lots happened in the intervening time between the last post and this one. For starters the board I got from turbo is da bomb.... Like driving a porsche..... Anyway cant function cant think straight just constantly thinking about Sage and how fucked up everything is. I think that in my hindu like eastern elevation of the sister I was misguided.
The sun loved the...
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The sun loved the...
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Thanks hon.
Miss talking to you.