Must... get... body clock... back... on... track...
This bloody Auckland weather! Yesterday it was sunny, then it started raining (hard enough to discover that my cheap shoes leak
), then it was sunny again! Now here I am up at 4am and it's raining once more - there's even lightning. At least I'm safely indoors this time. Make up your bloody mind... it'd better rain itself out before I leave today.
Yesterday was a good first day. The actors read our play scripts out loud for the first time and mine was reasonably well-received - which made me happy, 'cause I'm not completely satisfied with the current draft. The only thing was that it was read cold off the page, so the actors went so fast that the director couldn't read the stage directions too - and there is a heap of action in my play, so the audience got a bit confused.
I found me a flat on Sunday!
It's around the corner and down the hill from where live now. Two actor guys, one graduate from our school and another who is in my year's acting class, which is pretty cool - they're both kinda geeky too, so it's going to be a geeky male flat, heh.
It's not the best flat in the world, but it's cheap, located well and cosy, and the guys are nice. So it's all go...
This bloody Auckland weather! Yesterday it was sunny, then it started raining (hard enough to discover that my cheap shoes leak

Yesterday was a good first day. The actors read our play scripts out loud for the first time and mine was reasonably well-received - which made me happy, 'cause I'm not completely satisfied with the current draft. The only thing was that it was read cold off the page, so the actors went so fast that the director couldn't read the stage directions too - and there is a heap of action in my play, so the audience got a bit confused.

I found me a flat on Sunday!

Besides all the universe, I would be in charge of all television programming, so I could watch what I want when I want to!
2) If the world was to end tomorrow, and you could be with only one person until the end, who would it be?
Thats a toughie. I would have to say my best friend because we would reek havoc and turn everything upside down. It wouldnt be so bad either because wed scare everyone silly all while taking thousands of pictures.
3) What's your real sexual fantasy?
I dont have any left