so i'm at my parents house now. until my new lease starts. all i have left to do is e-mail an essay to my professor. by tomorrow. i'm halfway done with it, i just can't motivate myself right now. all i want to do is lay in my nice bed in my clean pretty room. haha. hopefully i'll be up in the city most of...
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Love, love and more love. There you are: Love left. love love love love kiss kiss kiss kiss
i wish that i could come see you! i bet chicago in the summer is nice...
and you know you're getting a birthday phone call of lovin'...
miss you...kiss
so last night was honky tonk night at the bar we frequent (aka the one where we get cheap stuff because our roommate's dad owns it) now the reason that it is funny because it was honky tonk night is well......as a child my dad listened to country and my roommates are both southies....so essentially i know all the words to all the songs. and...
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yes frown but it was only once... i still love you love love kiss
i have lots to do. and i don't wanna do it. homework, packing, research, writing, it never ends!

i got a pair of hot pink and a pair of lime green shoes yesterday. soooooo hawt. i will post pics later. lime green seems to be my new color of choice. i'm not sure why, but, i think i'll paint my room at the new house...
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Some love and/or sex available...but Chicago seems a long way away. frown
We all want some love & sex doll but sometimes you just have to settle for coffee and pie skull
today i had to go say goodbye to richie.
he's moving sunday.
it was the ickiest thing. so awkward and uncomfortable, what do you say after all this time. i cried like a baby. to be expected. it feels like there was so much left unsaid and undone. bah.

tonights plan: get drunk so i forget about it.
hi...how are you?
If only Chicago was closer frown
from august 4- august 11 i will be homeless. and i have finals during that time, which i'm sure will be fun. why must the stupid leases be so far apart. if you see a girl on the university of illinois quad in a tent, that is me. you know.....that's actually not a bad idea, haha.
To bad your all the way in IL or I'd offer you a couch to stay on here in MD with my girlfriend & I ... Or you could stay in our RV ... Good luck out thier in lawn and tent land ... kiss
Please check this out, .Leader needed I would love the position. You know I only want top help.

If you think it is a good idea, please say so.

If you don't think I am up to it, please nominate someone you think is.

[Edited on Jul 21, 2004 10:24PM]
people make me sick.

what is the point of letting them in and trusting them when all they end up do is ripping you apart and exploiting the very weaknesses they claimed you could overcome. why offer your support only to turn your back and walk away. i think if people understood exactly how many trust issues i have, and how small the circle of...
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whatever else she may have done clearly mavis beacon never taught me typing
you rise daily in my estimation dear madame. i once got street cred with my homies. one of the kids i volunteer with is latino and ive got all these homie stickers on my folder in my bag and he saw them one day and was like, "ooooh you like homies" and im like "bro ive got a collection" and from then on the kids thought i was "cool".
richie is moving in a month.

for some reason i'm really upset about this, even though we've barely spoken in the last few months.

it makes me just wish i could change everything, and go back and do it over, and do it right.

the one that got away...
today we got yelled at in the library for being too loud. my classmates and i are such rebels

however, i do feel well prepared for my midterms. people please wish me luck!! after all the drama of last semester i need to get back on track with my school work. either way, i've studied a ton so i'm proud of myself. back to being...
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Your "Neverender" a loved one fightingall your hopes and dreams...as you keep thesesecrets
Which Coheed and Cambria song are you? brought to you by Quizilla

my friend brain and i got the same results, so we are bfff's
yeah, 3 f's. that's best friends forever forever.

everyone leave me your results, because i say so!

What Coheed and Cambria song are you?
i am getting so fat.
i can't stop eating.
it is out of control.
why am i always so hungry?
someone take this food away from me.
or sew my mouth shut.
or staple my stomach.
