I hate college.
i was taking all this medicine after the miscarriage to make sure everything was out of my system
and it made me really sick like throwing up multiple times a day
so i e-mail all my professors and they are all cool with it and tell me not to worry about it at all and don't worry about getting all the documentation in order my circumstance has been noted
so i e-mail my historic preservation professor, which is my favorite class so i tried the hardest to make it there. and i offer him copies of the prescription from the doctor, a note of what the medicine is for, and the official sheet containing all the side effects (ie the naseau and cramping that made me not come to class) he e-mails me back and tells me he's sorry that i missed class, and he doesn't need documentation, but i need to remember that the attendence policy still holds and if i miss 4 classes a letter goes out to the dean and 6 and my grade drops 1/2 a letter can he even do that? i offered him medical documentation!!!!
in happier news, the boobies seem to be a big success (and don't worry hellix no one is touching them just lots of looking!!
I hate college.
i was taking all this medicine after the miscarriage to make sure everything was out of my system
and it made me really sick like throwing up multiple times a day
so i e-mail all my professors and they are all cool with it and tell me not to worry about it at all and don't worry about getting all the documentation in order my circumstance has been noted
so i e-mail my historic preservation professor, which is my favorite class so i tried the hardest to make it there. and i offer him copies of the prescription from the doctor, a note of what the medicine is for, and the official sheet containing all the side effects (ie the naseau and cramping that made me not come to class) he e-mails me back and tells me he's sorry that i missed class, and he doesn't need documentation, but i need to remember that the attendence policy still holds and if i miss 4 classes a letter goes out to the dean and 6 and my grade drops 1/2 a letter can he even do that? i offered him medical documentation!!!!
in happier news, the boobies seem to be a big success (and don't worry hellix no one is touching them just lots of looking!!