So I've had an interesting and eye opening past few weeks. Ever get real clear on something you want? Well I did. Its amazing what you can acomplish when you put your mind to it. Hope everyone is doing well.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 28, 2005
So here I am. I quit smoking last week. Holy Shit is it hard and I … -
Saturday Mar 19, 2005
So I've had an interesting and eye opening past few weeks. Ever get … -
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
So I spent the last week in LA learning about motorcycle things that … -
Sunday Dec 12, 2004
Hi all. Sorry I havent been very active. Well, I have been, just no… -
Saturday Sep 11, 2004
Holly Crap!! has it really been that long??? Just been busy I guess.… -
Tuesday Aug 03, 2004
Holy Crap!! I just got back from one of the best weekends ever. Sta… -
Sunday Jul 11, 2004
Updating my journal will be the most I have done all day. Today is L… -
Wednesday Jul 07, 2004
I got a surprise ticket to the warped tour today so I'm going tomorro… -
Friday Jul 02, 2004
I was frozen solid to my bike on my ride home from SF tonight. Eithe… -
Tuesday Jun 29, 2004
!!!!!DIAL UP SUCKS!!!!! But it won't be forever and at least I…
Glad to hear all is well!
Real quick like recap since last we really "talked":
*Car accident in June... got rearended by a dumprtuck, lucky to be alive, lucky to be able to walk, much better now.
*Looking for new employment since med. clearence to work again... can't do what I used to do cause of the injuries!
*Got custody of my little brother... he's a real pill, and I'm totally botching up the "mommy" business.
*Ditched the scumbag boyfriend. Or rather he ditched me same day my grandma died.
*If I told you any of this before... did I mention my memory has been super bad since the accident.
Now it's your turn to catch me up!
OH! I applied to SG, got accepted, waiting for a set to be ok-ed!