So I go to work this morning and grab my first job. I get a motor, a frame, a wiring harness, one shopping bag full of nuts and bolts and about five boxes of parts for a 4X4 ATV.
Ugh! At first I thought this was a sick April fools day joke but it wasn't. Apparently someone else had seperated the motor from the frame months ago for some sort of frame repair. That person no longer works at the shop, so now its my job to return this jig saw puzzle of a mess back into a sporty 4X4 ATV. It started bad, hunting for parts and trying to figure out what goes where, but after a while I was in heaven. Nobody was bothering me and I was just bee-boping along putting my mess back together. I got pretty far too (though its not my first mess I resurected) and actually started and ran the thing before I left for the day. I should have taken pictures for you all to see the rediculous mess it was in. Next time. Just imagine a 3D puzzle about the size of a refidgerator laying on its side with pieces ranging from the size of a bb to the size of a kitchen sink. Too much fun!

my german sucks, eventhough I am german