- on Would you have sex with the person above you? in silliness
- on Totally inappropriate response to a perfectly reasonable question. in silliness
- on Totally inappropriate response to a perfectly reasonable question. in silliness
- on Would you have sex with the person above you? in silliness
- on Would you have sex with the person above you? in silliness
- on Totally inappropriate response to a perfectly reasonable question. in silliness
Things you'll find abandoned in Cleveland
If you have eyecontact, keep it up till you ate the entire banana.
Oh I did... and I made it weird
Finally the right size " to go" coffee.
Here's hoping that the batch turned out the way that you wanted it to.
It does every time!!
hahaha :3
damn now I need some :o
Being a blue collar man, there are times at work, were you see someone doing something so stupid and you think... is this the day I witness someones death.