Illustrations of Lysistrata by Aubrey Beardsley (Victorian aesthete and art noveau illustrator, infamous), or "Whoever said the Greeks weren't any fun?"):
To protest the War, Lysistrata organizes Athenian and Spartan women to fortify themselves in the Acropolis, refusing to have sex with any men until peace is declared between Athens and Sparta:
Lysistrata and the Women
To satisfy themselves, the women use dildos
The Athenian men try to storm the Acropolis, but they
Next: what happens when the Spartans arrive, hard pressed to make peace, and whoopee...
To protest the War, Lysistrata organizes Athenian and Spartan women to fortify themselves in the Acropolis, refusing to have sex with any men until peace is declared between Athens and Sparta:
Lysistrata and the Women
To satisfy themselves, the women use dildos
The Athenian men try to storm the Acropolis, but they
Next: what happens when the Spartans arrive, hard pressed to make peace, and whoopee...
If I didn't love 'insert dirty word for male genitalia here' so much I'd be a lesbian. Woe is me.

more, more, more!