devilducky and I are moving to a new apartment. In an example of really poor planning on our parts all of our bills are coming due at the same time we are trying to get our finances in order to pay a security and pet deposit. Ack!
So! I have stuff sitting around I made that I've never sold. If you're interested in purchasing it, head over to my website and then to my shop to see if you want anything. There are only a few things up now (and what I have listed are a couple of the pricier items as they are sculpts I really like and will be sad to part with) but keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks as I will have cross stitch stuff, felt critters and more Sculpey nonsense for your purchasing enjoyment.
devilducky and I are moving to a new apartment. In an example of really poor planning on our parts all of our bills are coming due at the same time we are trying to get our finances in order to pay a security and pet deposit. Ack!
So! I have stuff sitting around I made that I've never sold. If you're interested in purchasing it, head over to my website and then to my shop to see if you want anything. There are only a few things up now (and what I have listed are a couple of the pricier items as they are sculpts I really like and will be sad to part with) but keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks as I will have cross stitch stuff, felt critters and more Sculpey nonsense for your purchasing enjoyment.
Hope things are going well in the new place.