So! Updates!
The travel team B team won our bout against the Stateline Roller Derby Divas in Beloit. The girls were AMAZINGLY sweet hosts and gave me more post-bout compliments than I think I have ever received in my life. Thanks Beloit girls! You are awesome! PreFlash Gordon (one of our regular photographers) was good enough to come along (what a sweetheart) and took some great pictures. There usually aren't many pictures of me at a home bout since I do not skate too much at home, so I was pleased to get some good ones.
clicky clicky clicky
I actually KNOCKED THAT GIRL DOWN in the last picture which is pretty awesome because I almost never knock anyone down. I am a positional blocker, not an OOMPH blocker.
In other news I now have an account on Twitter which means I can update my BLAAGH to a certain extent pretty much wherever I am, which is great. I miss the spontaneous, goofy updates I used to do here on SG back when I was really active and I feel like Twitter has sort of given that opportunity back to me. So that is fun!
I don't have much else to report. I am working. I have been talking a lot about going back to school but I am really scared to do actually do it. I need to get more product on my site but haven't because I am FUCKING LAZY. Ugh. I bought giant circular barbells for my new 2G earholes and realized they were so heavy that they were pulling down on my earlobes enough that I could SEE LIGHT ABOVE THEM between the hole and the jewelery so I took them out. That is not really the look I am going for. Boo to spending money on earrings I cannot wear! HOWEVER I did finally get some tunnels and some big cheesy silver hoops to wear through them and I am pretty pleased with that. I was wearing them while driving down to WI for the bout and stopped at a Wal-Mart in Tomah for a car charger for my phone. People were staring at me like I had an extra head. Possibly they also thought I was a big ole' lesbo who was going to steal their babies and infect them with gay and take them to metaphorical clam bakes because as people keep bringing to my attention all of a sudden, my super short hair is kind of butch. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Liking penis does not preclude me from being kind of butch.
I hope you guys are having a nice summer so far. I spent the 4th with some good friends at a cabin here in MN. Our group is pretty low rent but the guy whose family owns the cabin got some CONTRABAND fireworks from Wisconsin. The people across the lake have money so they got CONTRABAND fireworks, as well. The night of the 4th was basically a fireworks duel with a show on either side of the lake as the other folks are right across the lake from our friend's cabin. It was pretty fucking awesome. Everyone who lives on the lake was screaming and blowing air horns and whistling. AND we were all pretty messed up so that was awesome, too.
That is all I have to report right now.
The travel team B team won our bout against the Stateline Roller Derby Divas in Beloit. The girls were AMAZINGLY sweet hosts and gave me more post-bout compliments than I think I have ever received in my life. Thanks Beloit girls! You are awesome! PreFlash Gordon (one of our regular photographers) was good enough to come along (what a sweetheart) and took some great pictures. There usually aren't many pictures of me at a home bout since I do not skate too much at home, so I was pleased to get some good ones.
clicky clicky clicky
I actually KNOCKED THAT GIRL DOWN in the last picture which is pretty awesome because I almost never knock anyone down. I am a positional blocker, not an OOMPH blocker.
In other news I now have an account on Twitter which means I can update my BLAAGH to a certain extent pretty much wherever I am, which is great. I miss the spontaneous, goofy updates I used to do here on SG back when I was really active and I feel like Twitter has sort of given that opportunity back to me. So that is fun!
I don't have much else to report. I am working. I have been talking a lot about going back to school but I am really scared to do actually do it. I need to get more product on my site but haven't because I am FUCKING LAZY. Ugh. I bought giant circular barbells for my new 2G earholes and realized they were so heavy that they were pulling down on my earlobes enough that I could SEE LIGHT ABOVE THEM between the hole and the jewelery so I took them out. That is not really the look I am going for. Boo to spending money on earrings I cannot wear! HOWEVER I did finally get some tunnels and some big cheesy silver hoops to wear through them and I am pretty pleased with that. I was wearing them while driving down to WI for the bout and stopped at a Wal-Mart in Tomah for a car charger for my phone. People were staring at me like I had an extra head. Possibly they also thought I was a big ole' lesbo who was going to steal their babies and infect them with gay and take them to metaphorical clam bakes because as people keep bringing to my attention all of a sudden, my super short hair is kind of butch. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Liking penis does not preclude me from being kind of butch.
I hope you guys are having a nice summer so far. I spent the 4th with some good friends at a cabin here in MN. Our group is pretty low rent but the guy whose family owns the cabin got some CONTRABAND fireworks from Wisconsin. The people across the lake have money so they got CONTRABAND fireworks, as well. The night of the 4th was basically a fireworks duel with a show on either side of the lake as the other folks are right across the lake from our friend's cabin. It was pretty fucking awesome. Everyone who lives on the lake was screaming and blowing air horns and whistling. AND we were all pretty messed up so that was awesome, too.
That is all I have to report right now.
I don't watch it regularly, but I'm glad I could remind you of something you saw on TV. 

Ah, it's cool, I was just teasing you.