Roller Derby Ahoy!
My league's next bout is on SATURDAY.
I THINK I will be skating this bout (I hope). We are skating against the Banger Sisters so if you ever wanted to watch me get knocked on my ass THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Because of the way the season has gone we will be bouting with the same team lineups at our championship bout in May so this one should be fun.
I have to take back what I said in my last post about my left ear being a Champion of Ears. My left ear has now EPIC FAILED at stretching just like my right ear.
I said fuck it and put the 2G spiral back in my right ear and it seems to be doing okay but they are now BOTH crusty and oozing pus when I take the jewelery out. The right ear is actually in better shape now than the left which issued a knot of pus and blood about two hours ago when I took out the spiral for cleaning. Gross.
All things considered they are actually not too bad, though. The pus is white and doesn't smell or anything. My ears aren't hot or overly red or swollen, although they do hurt, especially since I usually sleep on my side. I think that is part of the problem I'm having so I'm going to try sleeping on my back and hope that helps.
Someone very kindly suggested that I try emu oil but since I am out of a job and broke I can't (DAMN emu oil is expensive!), so I'm just going to have to deal, I guess. Crud.
My league's next bout is on SATURDAY.

I THINK I will be skating this bout (I hope). We are skating against the Banger Sisters so if you ever wanted to watch me get knocked on my ass THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Because of the way the season has gone we will be bouting with the same team lineups at our championship bout in May so this one should be fun.
I have to take back what I said in my last post about my left ear being a Champion of Ears. My left ear has now EPIC FAILED at stretching just like my right ear.
I said fuck it and put the 2G spiral back in my right ear and it seems to be doing okay but they are now BOTH crusty and oozing pus when I take the jewelery out. The right ear is actually in better shape now than the left which issued a knot of pus and blood about two hours ago when I took out the spiral for cleaning. Gross.
All things considered they are actually not too bad, though. The pus is white and doesn't smell or anything. My ears aren't hot or overly red or swollen, although they do hurt, especially since I usually sleep on my side. I think that is part of the problem I'm having so I'm going to try sleeping on my back and hope that helps.
Someone very kindly suggested that I try emu oil but since I am out of a job and broke I can't (DAMN emu oil is expensive!), so I'm just going to have to deal, I guess. Crud.
For serious, though ... you seem to have handled your own little litany of medical misadventures extremely well. I think you'd make a kickass nurse.
emu oil
Be careful...those emus don't like you taking their precious oil.