I'm doing jury duty.
It is super boring.
ALSO: I got a call while waiting in the jury gallery yesterday from my temp agency. The contract I was on has been terminated. So I don't have a job to go back to once jury duty is over! WEEEEE!
It is super boring.
ALSO: I got a call while waiting in the jury gallery yesterday from my temp agency. The contract I was on has been terminated. So I don't have a job to go back to once jury duty is over! WEEEEE!

As for the jury duty, I was summoned once 3 years back or so. Sat around for 4 hours on hard-ass wood chairs to not end up getting picked. But @least I didn't have to go to work and got paid for the day anyway.
To answer your question, the bleeding was mostly staying put on the ink. It was after I got vertical that it started running. To be fair, I wasn't expecting much blood either.
HA! I'm lucky in that I never have to serve on a jury. I've been called up twice for jury duty since law school. What I do is I tell the jury administrators that I'm an attorney and there is no way in hell I won't be peremptorily (I'm not sure that is word.) dismissed once they start the voir dire. It's science. They usually chuckle and mention that, yes, lawyers and cops might as well just screw out of there.
I've put in my time on the temping circuit. That can be a real bitch. I'm sure you know this, but you've got to just bug the shit out of them: "Where is my next job? Why aren't you out getting me my next job right now?" And so on . . . .
So methinks a new set is in order! Get on that, will ya?