Q. What did you do for Independence Day, Wren?
A. The Fourth of July is the day to celebrate your independence from pants.
In observance of this holy day, I sat around in my underwear and played Earthbound on ZSNES. Emulators are king! I probably should have cleaned the apartment or worked on my website or done ANYTHING ELSE, but I couldn't tear myself away from it. It is such a good game, even though I've played it about a zillion times through.
Q. What about devilducky?
A. What about him? He played video games, too. And then we drank rum.
Q. How are you today?
A. Oh, it's sweet of you to ask. I have cramps. And we blew a fuse at the showroom today. The fuse that controls EVERYTHING I NEED. The air conditioner, my computer, the fax machine and the printer. So for the last hour I was at work I did crossword puzzles and sweated my ass off. And then I left ten minutes early. I'm really into crossword puzzles right now, I'm not sure why.
Ask me a question, I'll answer them next entry.
A. The Fourth of July is the day to celebrate your independence from pants.
In observance of this holy day, I sat around in my underwear and played Earthbound on ZSNES. Emulators are king! I probably should have cleaned the apartment or worked on my website or done ANYTHING ELSE, but I couldn't tear myself away from it. It is such a good game, even though I've played it about a zillion times through.
Q. What about devilducky?
A. What about him? He played video games, too. And then we drank rum.
Q. How are you today?
A. Oh, it's sweet of you to ask. I have cramps. And we blew a fuse at the showroom today. The fuse that controls EVERYTHING I NEED. The air conditioner, my computer, the fax machine and the printer. So for the last hour I was at work I did crossword puzzles and sweated my ass off. And then I left ten minutes early. I'm really into crossword puzzles right now, I'm not sure why.
Ask me a question, I'll answer them next entry.
Cramps suck.
you're into crossword puzzles? That's funny, I got danielle addicted to them. hee hee.