Saturday Mar 25, 2006 Mar 25, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email I. HATE. WEBDESIGN. Ugh. I'm beginning to think this whole "having my own website" thing is highly overrated. VIEW 22 of 22 COMMENTS doublejesus: thanks! and thanks! and web design isn't that fun, i've done it for a living on a side note, i'm sure many people have offered but if you need help just shout at synnove and she'll ask me or maybe answer herself. Mar 30, 2006 anderswolleck: i would imagine you get alot more friends requests than me. i dont have an amazing cleft in my chin but i do get like one every couple of weeks for the past few months. its frustrating. Mar 30, 2006
and thanks!
and web design isn't that fun, i've done it for a living
on a side note, i'm sure many people have offered but if you need help just shout at synnove and she'll ask me or maybe answer herself.
but i do get like one every couple of weeks for the past few months. its frustrating.