The temp agency hired me. Hooray. Now I just have to wait until they can find me a job. I'm gonna call the other branches nearby, too and tell them I'm in the system and ready to work for them and OH BOY am I friendly and with lots of initiative, too! HOORAY!
Five Weird Habits:
1. Nosepicking (is that wierd or just gross?)
2. Singing songs about inanimate objects TO inanimate objects (for instance "Oh, wheeeere are my glooooves, my stupid gloooooves, which I cannot fiiiiiind")
3. Picking at my scalp
4. Cleaning the toilet right after getting out of the shower (I have no idea why)
5. Jumping into bed when it's dark in my room so that things cannot grab my ankles (seriously)
Five Jobs You've Had:
1. Greenhouse worker (that lasted one month)
2. Wal-Mart Sales Associate (Toys)
3. Wal-Mart Sales Associate (Foods)
4. Wal-Mart Sales Associate (Electronics)
5. Wal-Mart Department Manager (Bakery)
Seriously, that's it. It's sad, isn't it?
Five Vacation Sites I've Been To:
The sad part of this is that I've never really been on an honest-to-goodness vacation except for a trip to
1. Florida
which I took with my mother and younger brother to visit some family friends. My immediate family used to go on "vacation" to my grandmother's house, but I'm not sure if that counts. Apparently I went to Disneyland with my parents when I was three or something? But I don't remember that.
Five Movies I could Watch over and over :
1. Halloween
2. Halloween 2
3. Dawn of The Dead
4. Pirates of The Carribbean
5. Supersize Me
Places I've Lived:
1. Illinois (near Chicago)
2. Wisconsin (near Madison, then IN Madison)
3. Minnesota (near the Twin Cities)
TV Shows I never miss (current) :
1. Project Runway (this is my guilty pleasure)
2. The Dog Whisperer
3. Animal Cops (any installment, although I like Detroit the most)
TV Shows that I own more than one season on DVD
1. Chappelle's Show
Websites I Visit Daily:
Five Favorite Foods:
1. Apples
2. Clementines (cute AND tasty!)
3. Whole wheat bread
4. Dry cereal, any kind
5. Breyers No Sugar Added Double Churned Vanilla ice cream in a waffle bowl.
Places I'd Rather Be:
1. Somewhere warm
2. With my family
3. Buried in a pile of money
4. Buried in a pile of puppies
5. Buried in a pile of boobies
Five Albums I couldn't live without:
1. Enigma - MCMXC a.D
2. Massive Attack - Mezzanine
3. The Beatles - Abbey Road
4. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
5. David Cross - It's Not Funny
Bonus round:
I obsess over movies from time to time. When I was living with my parents, after high school and before I moved away for college, I would keep one movie in my VCR and turn it on every night for white noise. Sometimes I would run the movie over and over throughout the day while I wrote or drew or whatever for background noise. I continue to do this today. Among those movies:
1. The Matrix
2. Fight Club
3. Se7en
4. The Original Kings of Comedy
5. Dawn of The Dead (remake - sorry, guys)
6. Night of The Living Dead (90s version - sorry, guys) and not even a "real" copy - I bootlegged it! Oh, that's sad.
7. Akira
Did I ever tell you guys, while I'm at it, that I used to be insane over Sailormoon? Jesus Christ I loved that show. Somewhere around here I have the movies, too.

Five Weird Habits:
1. Nosepicking (is that wierd or just gross?)
2. Singing songs about inanimate objects TO inanimate objects (for instance "Oh, wheeeere are my glooooves, my stupid gloooooves, which I cannot fiiiiiind")
3. Picking at my scalp
4. Cleaning the toilet right after getting out of the shower (I have no idea why)
5. Jumping into bed when it's dark in my room so that things cannot grab my ankles (seriously)
Five Jobs You've Had:
1. Greenhouse worker (that lasted one month)
2. Wal-Mart Sales Associate (Toys)
3. Wal-Mart Sales Associate (Foods)
4. Wal-Mart Sales Associate (Electronics)
5. Wal-Mart Department Manager (Bakery)
Seriously, that's it. It's sad, isn't it?
Five Vacation Sites I've Been To:
The sad part of this is that I've never really been on an honest-to-goodness vacation except for a trip to
1. Florida
which I took with my mother and younger brother to visit some family friends. My immediate family used to go on "vacation" to my grandmother's house, but I'm not sure if that counts. Apparently I went to Disneyland with my parents when I was three or something? But I don't remember that.
Five Movies I could Watch over and over :
1. Halloween
2. Halloween 2
3. Dawn of The Dead
4. Pirates of The Carribbean
5. Supersize Me
Places I've Lived:
1. Illinois (near Chicago)
2. Wisconsin (near Madison, then IN Madison)
3. Minnesota (near the Twin Cities)
TV Shows I never miss (current) :
1. Project Runway (this is my guilty pleasure)
2. The Dog Whisperer
3. Animal Cops (any installment, although I like Detroit the most)
TV Shows that I own more than one season on DVD
1. Chappelle's Show
Websites I Visit Daily:
Five Favorite Foods:
1. Apples
2. Clementines (cute AND tasty!)
3. Whole wheat bread
4. Dry cereal, any kind
5. Breyers No Sugar Added Double Churned Vanilla ice cream in a waffle bowl.
Places I'd Rather Be:
1. Somewhere warm
2. With my family
3. Buried in a pile of money
4. Buried in a pile of puppies
5. Buried in a pile of boobies
Five Albums I couldn't live without:
1. Enigma - MCMXC a.D
2. Massive Attack - Mezzanine
3. The Beatles - Abbey Road
4. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
5. David Cross - It's Not Funny
Bonus round:
I obsess over movies from time to time. When I was living with my parents, after high school and before I moved away for college, I would keep one movie in my VCR and turn it on every night for white noise. Sometimes I would run the movie over and over throughout the day while I wrote or drew or whatever for background noise. I continue to do this today. Among those movies:
1. The Matrix
2. Fight Club
3. Se7en
4. The Original Kings of Comedy
5. Dawn of The Dead (remake - sorry, guys)
6. Night of The Living Dead (90s version - sorry, guys) and not even a "real" copy - I bootlegged it! Oh, that's sad.
7. Akira
Did I ever tell you guys, while I'm at it, that I used to be insane over Sailormoon? Jesus Christ I loved that show. Somewhere around here I have the movies, too.
A plus side, I'll be moving closer to your location, northern illinois, so maybe I'll run into you sometime at some shindig in the midwest.
I've got all my messengers listed and have a couple email addresses I check pretty often, so definatly keep in touch ok?