Uni results are out!! Woohoo!! Not got my final overall grade but it looks like it'll be a good result!! I got a 1st on my final project!! That made me so happy, I only got a 2:2 for my dissertation but being 2,000 words below the minimum makes that a pretty good result!!!
With that sorted I'm on the lookout for any job I can get that pays over 200 a week after tax, I don't really want telesales but will do that as a last resort. First port of call is going to be temp agencies, getting on the books of as many as possible and just sending my CV to every job vacancy in London!! I need to practice my interview technique and smarten my appearance a bit (the scruffy hair, flesh tunnels and 4" beard look doesn't go down well with corporate office types).
If I get the day job that pays me enough to live then I'll be able to concentrate on getting my studio up and running fully and getting work with bands. Any money made in the studio can then be invested in new gear.......mmmmmm........new gear.......
With that sorted I'm on the lookout for any job I can get that pays over 200 a week after tax, I don't really want telesales but will do that as a last resort. First port of call is going to be temp agencies, getting on the books of as many as possible and just sending my CV to every job vacancy in London!! I need to practice my interview technique and smarten my appearance a bit (the scruffy hair, flesh tunnels and 4" beard look doesn't go down well with corporate office types).
If I get the day job that pays me enough to live then I'll be able to concentrate on getting my studio up and running fully and getting work with bands. Any money made in the studio can then be invested in new gear.......mmmmmm........new gear.......

For job stuff pick up the Standard and the Guardian on Mondays, plus try some online sites like www.jobserve.com, www.planetrecruit.com, wwwworkthing.com. etc.
wanna come to this??