This journal entry is going to be train of thought so don't worry if I sound crazy!!
So, it seems that according to my BMI I am obese. That was a shock, I thought the heavy end of overweight but I'm not even close to that!!
From tommorow starts my more exercise-less shitty food weight loss plan. I'll be sticking to vodka as my only alcoholic beverage and no more coffee or tea for me, just lots of water. Cutting out sugar will be hard but I swear I'd take in less sugar from an XL bacon double-cheeseburger meal at Burger King than in a single cup of tea I make at home.
I'm going to be doing manual labour all next week so that should help me kick start my metabolism again, instead of sitting on my arse all day like I do right now. Then when I get back to London it's off to find a job and do 1 hour of skipping/weights a day (minimum of 30mins on busy/tired days). By taking in 2000-2300 calories a day and exercising I should be able to lose 2lbs a week.
I just need to stick to my guns and remind myself that if I don't do it then I'm heading towards a life of feeling shit, being in a band with two skinny bastards doesn't help either!! I want to wear no shirt on stage god-dammit!!
Now, I need to get some sleep as I'm going to go and register at the library tommorow and take out some books on weight loss and exercise, then it's an afternoon of progressive metalcore before getting my train back to Manchester at 8pm.
So, it seems that according to my BMI I am obese. That was a shock, I thought the heavy end of overweight but I'm not even close to that!!
From tommorow starts my more exercise-less shitty food weight loss plan. I'll be sticking to vodka as my only alcoholic beverage and no more coffee or tea for me, just lots of water. Cutting out sugar will be hard but I swear I'd take in less sugar from an XL bacon double-cheeseburger meal at Burger King than in a single cup of tea I make at home.
I'm going to be doing manual labour all next week so that should help me kick start my metabolism again, instead of sitting on my arse all day like I do right now. Then when I get back to London it's off to find a job and do 1 hour of skipping/weights a day (minimum of 30mins on busy/tired days). By taking in 2000-2300 calories a day and exercising I should be able to lose 2lbs a week.
I just need to stick to my guns and remind myself that if I don't do it then I'm heading towards a life of feeling shit, being in a band with two skinny bastards doesn't help either!! I want to wear no shirt on stage god-dammit!!
Now, I need to get some sleep as I'm going to go and register at the library tommorow and take out some books on weight loss and exercise, then it's an afternoon of progressive metalcore before getting my train back to Manchester at 8pm.

Har har. I keep telling Owain to put on more weight.