Welllllll, today wa boring! Nothing good to report. Gold got up to 1310 an ounce though, so im getting pretty close to my new target price. I want 1350 then Im definitely taking profits. Waiting for it normally wouldnt be that big of a deal, except its run up pretty much straight from 1158 when I bought it with barely a pause up, not more than a little 2% pullback. Im definitely nervous since its gone up so much without pause. So if anyone out there in the interweb pays attention to this, wait for a small pull back and go for it! I think gold is gonna make a nice run higher, especially if countries start getting all passive agressive about their currencies, and decide to not play well with others and start devaluing their money. Gold would take off like a muther fucker. Buy at 1250 and you wonr regret it.
More Blogs
Thursday Sep 23, 2010
Ok so for today it was a pretty much dead lazy day off. I did get up… -
Monday Sep 20, 2010
So i got to see my tess today, finally. She was holding up a lot bet… -
Sunday Sep 19, 2010
So todays my birthday. For the start of my day i let myself sleep … -
Thursday Sep 16, 2010
So for today i had a bit of a slow start. I got up close to one pm a… -
Wednesday Sep 15, 2010
K so new stuff for today... Tess had a successful surgery so im fe… -
Tuesday Sep 14, 2010
So for today I got a couple things. I spent the extra cash and got… -
Monday Sep 13, 2010
Ok so I need a double post. Im watching sherlock holmes and OMFG I… -
Monday Sep 13, 2010
Hmmm my daily thoghts? Today i got my wow on and had a great run, … -
Saturday Sep 11, 2010
So for today there wasnt much that reallyjumped out at me. I did get… -
Friday Sep 10, 2010
Well first off to follow up from yesterday, sadly I missed the price …