Well first off to follow up from yesterday, sadly I missed the price on CPFL and it popped straight back up to 71 again and then worked its way up again through the day. Oh well. There'll be more chances to get it cheap and I still got 5 months till the next dividend ex date for payout
So I got a helll of a lot done with my jewelcrafting on Hawtpawket during the day, and dinged him twice. Unfortunately I was in group that went long and I missed my kung fu class by about 15 minutes, but I decided to get ambitious and I actually went jogging for the first time in prolly 7 years or so. This was especially cool because my right leg/hip has been dodgey for the last year or so, and only after I'd been taking long walks and getting more aggressive work outs in Kung Fu that I realized it was a muscle problem, and not a joint issue. Now that my muscles have strengthened and relearned the non gimpy/pussy way to walk I could actually run if my life depended on it. I was pretty proud of how well it worked out. It was still a short run, but I started up with a fast walk for a couple blocks till I hit the park down the road, and then started up at a slow jog and I didnt drop back down until I'd gone prolly 3/4 to 1 mile, and from there I walked back across the park, and manned up and did a medium hard sprint the last 2 blocks back to my house. I took a couple laps around my back yard to cool off and laid down in the wet twilight grass and stared through the Everett haze to see a couple stars before I came back in and took a shower. I coulda swore I was running a good 30+ minutes, but the whole thing including my cool down period was just under 30, so the run itself was prolly more like 20-25. It was short and good and I should do that again. I definitely need more cardio so I can keep up with Tess in bed. I'll need to find some ab stuff too, but for today I"m happy I got some jogging in.

So I got a helll of a lot done with my jewelcrafting on Hawtpawket during the day, and dinged him twice. Unfortunately I was in group that went long and I missed my kung fu class by about 15 minutes, but I decided to get ambitious and I actually went jogging for the first time in prolly 7 years or so. This was especially cool because my right leg/hip has been dodgey for the last year or so, and only after I'd been taking long walks and getting more aggressive work outs in Kung Fu that I realized it was a muscle problem, and not a joint issue. Now that my muscles have strengthened and relearned the non gimpy/pussy way to walk I could actually run if my life depended on it. I was pretty proud of how well it worked out. It was still a short run, but I started up with a fast walk for a couple blocks till I hit the park down the road, and then started up at a slow jog and I didnt drop back down until I'd gone prolly 3/4 to 1 mile, and from there I walked back across the park, and manned up and did a medium hard sprint the last 2 blocks back to my house. I took a couple laps around my back yard to cool off and laid down in the wet twilight grass and stared through the Everett haze to see a couple stars before I came back in and took a shower. I coulda swore I was running a good 30+ minutes, but the whole thing including my cool down period was just under 30, so the run itself was prolly more like 20-25. It was short and good and I should do that again. I definitely need more cardio so I can keep up with Tess in bed. I'll need to find some ab stuff too, but for today I"m happy I got some jogging in.