Well I'm officially annoyed, so I decided the most productive place to vent would be here, to the faceless internet. Especially since my closest friend hasnt been very available lately to vent with...... and its not quite noon yet and its still a bit early for a beer.
I'm feeling frownie faced because I've basically given up on things with a girl who was actually really fucking awesome and I blew me shot with her. That just bugs the crap outta me. I'd be fine if we had just been bored with each other, but I thought we hit it off really damn well at first and then I just pancaked on the second date, not managing our time well, screwing dinner up and burning too much time and attention on trying to fix it instead of paying attention to her, and not planning properly for her getting up at 4am most work days so when we did get dinner finished she was falling asleep on me.
I talked with her briefly afterwards and some of the crap she had dealing with flared up, but after another 2 weeks with no contact I think its pretty safe to say if there's still any interest that would have survived all the momentum is evaporated and I kinda doubt she'll have much ambition to spend more time with me after my previous performance.
*la sigh*
Damn my romantic retardedness. I'm way too slow to move and take chances on anything. Im not good at making moves on girls I dont know well, prefering to have a friendship already laid down before going for more. However I'm fresh out of cute friends in any stage of availability and its been way too damn long since I've had a girl for myself. So now I get to go try to find someone else, who honestly wont likely stack up that well against steph so I think I'll be kicking myself over this one for awhile. LOL damn it being too early for wine.
I think Pepe le Pew sums me up pretty damn well
In less self indulgent whiney news, I do have a couple orchids I picked up dirt cheap that are awesome. Now that my collection is pretty damn close to scale free it should be safe to add new plants again, and I'm looking forward to the main orchid show in february to pick up another half dozen plants. I realy wanna get some carnivorous plants again soon, which I will be able to do a lot sooner when I get my savings built up a little more again. I've blown thousands on getting my remaining windows on the house replaced for winter and the equipment revamp for my grow area so I've had to skip out on buying UFCs and having take out etc, but I got all my credit cards paid down again and I just need another month or so to give me a small emergency fund and then I can let myself breath again.
And without further ado time for some orchid pics
And oh yeah, gotta go vote before I forget about it and the mail man comes.
I'm feeling frownie faced because I've basically given up on things with a girl who was actually really fucking awesome and I blew me shot with her. That just bugs the crap outta me. I'd be fine if we had just been bored with each other, but I thought we hit it off really damn well at first and then I just pancaked on the second date, not managing our time well, screwing dinner up and burning too much time and attention on trying to fix it instead of paying attention to her, and not planning properly for her getting up at 4am most work days so when we did get dinner finished she was falling asleep on me.
I talked with her briefly afterwards and some of the crap she had dealing with flared up, but after another 2 weeks with no contact I think its pretty safe to say if there's still any interest that would have survived all the momentum is evaporated and I kinda doubt she'll have much ambition to spend more time with me after my previous performance.
*la sigh*
Damn my romantic retardedness. I'm way too slow to move and take chances on anything. Im not good at making moves on girls I dont know well, prefering to have a friendship already laid down before going for more. However I'm fresh out of cute friends in any stage of availability and its been way too damn long since I've had a girl for myself. So now I get to go try to find someone else, who honestly wont likely stack up that well against steph so I think I'll be kicking myself over this one for awhile. LOL damn it being too early for wine.
I think Pepe le Pew sums me up pretty damn well
In less self indulgent whiney news, I do have a couple orchids I picked up dirt cheap that are awesome. Now that my collection is pretty damn close to scale free it should be safe to add new plants again, and I'm looking forward to the main orchid show in february to pick up another half dozen plants. I realy wanna get some carnivorous plants again soon, which I will be able to do a lot sooner when I get my savings built up a little more again. I've blown thousands on getting my remaining windows on the house replaced for winter and the equipment revamp for my grow area so I've had to skip out on buying UFCs and having take out etc, but I got all my credit cards paid down again and I just need another month or so to give me a small emergency fund and then I can let myself breath again.
And without further ado time for some orchid pics

And oh yeah, gotta go vote before I forget about it and the mail man comes.