Well I've been a lazy bastard for long enough so time for a quick post. I'm so behind on emails to friends its not even funny. I feel slightly compelled to post an update of where I'm at now just because. There hasnt been a whole ton of life changing stuff going on, but I've got quite a bit of stuff that's kinda hanging out there in the near future. Things with cute girl from work have been getting warmer but still not anything major happening. mostly due to my lack of assertiveness...... at least I hope mostly cause of that
. I've been better at making a steady stream of little moves and being more affectionate. I'm also irritated my BMW plans are starting to fizzle a bit more. I checked interest rates again and its gotten up to 6.75ish for a 30 year although the fed's rates havent gone up from the 5.25 since I checked a few months ago when rates were 6.25ish so banks are obviously starting to turn into collective tight asses on their own. It was already enough of a stretch for me to refinance the house since its blended rate is around 5.7% but if I could get the whole thing locked down to a fixed rate, and free up enough cash to get my roof replaced and get a 2008 diesel bmw I can run on bio diesel instead of fucking petrol it'd be so worth it to me. Its gonna be irritating to no end when the models actually come out and I wont have the cash to do anything about it. Also on the subject of money I need to call up and get my 401k rebalanced but I hate phones so I've been putting it off forever. I need to stop being a wimp.
I also need to get off my ass and edit the batch of pictures from the local AX Fighting MMA show I went to a couple months ago. I got some pretty photos of that, but I've got like 150 pictures that need to be recropped and tweaked a bit before really being ready to post, and again that sounds like a lot of work.
My new schedule at work is gonna be coming out in a couple weeks and I'm not looking forward to it. If I get my first 2 choices that means I'm gonna need to start getting up a couple hours earlier, and if I get one of the latter shifts that means I'm gonna be missing a ton of EQ raids and there's a strong chance I'll need to quit the guild I'm in. Which is both sad and slightly optimistic for me since there's some guild politics I dont care for too much and would be nice to get away from that, but there's a lot of people I'd really miss.
In happy news though, and leaving on a high note, one of my orchids started blooming a couple days ago and its a darn cute one too if i do say so myself. Flowers are about 3 inches across for scale.

I also need to get off my ass and edit the batch of pictures from the local AX Fighting MMA show I went to a couple months ago. I got some pretty photos of that, but I've got like 150 pictures that need to be recropped and tweaked a bit before really being ready to post, and again that sounds like a lot of work.
My new schedule at work is gonna be coming out in a couple weeks and I'm not looking forward to it. If I get my first 2 choices that means I'm gonna need to start getting up a couple hours earlier, and if I get one of the latter shifts that means I'm gonna be missing a ton of EQ raids and there's a strong chance I'll need to quit the guild I'm in. Which is both sad and slightly optimistic for me since there's some guild politics I dont care for too much and would be nice to get away from that, but there's a lot of people I'd really miss.
In happy news though, and leaving on a high note, one of my orchids started blooming a couple days ago and its a darn cute one too if i do say so myself. Flowers are about 3 inches across for scale.

and pink hair doesn't really scare me . . . i've had pink, red and purple hair before, it's more for occupational reasons and time reasons that i kept to just a couple of streaks.
the dress isn't as nice in person, but i had to dress up so i did. and then i liked the different fabric textures so out came the camera.
the glasses just look wide because of the angle. i actually have a wide face so it works pretty well.