Well in general I think I have to say lately I've been going off on a large scale porno binge. After about a year or so of a fast I guess I've just had all my porn urges bottled up a bit too much. After all most of the porn I previously had access to was pretty crappy low end cheap whorey crap and I was getting tired of having to filter through tons of it to find anything that could at least pretend to be real sex (without being average to fat looking people trying to post their home videos). I had SG for all the real women I could want who were fierce and strong and made average 'normal' girls a bit paler, and made brain dead fake boobed whores look like a space alien's science project gone wrong. Besides that I've had Jason living here around that time so without any real guarantee's of privacy around either my computer and certainly not around the TV it wasnt really anything I could have enjoyed properly anyways. A couple months into my fast I actually deleted out all my saved pics that werent SGs, and about 1/2 of my cheap crappy movies off my computer (which is where almost all the porn resides, unless you count erotic novels and such I have stashed on diff bookshelves in the house). Jason though is about ready to move out in a couple months and I realized how much I missed having my house to myself (and once he moves out I'll realize how much I miss his extra $350 a month) and found a good site that lets me download porn in hd and high res formats with good speeds that actually cap out my cable modem in full capacity (16 meg speeds with bursts higher). Soon I had all I could shake my stick at, and even though I still had about half of it crap I fed to the recycle bin I now again have an obscene amount of porn. Even with half of it copyright protected so I cant watch it without my active subscription I'm prolly gonna need to cancel in the next couple months cause It'll take me that long to sort through everything I've got.... and then on top of that I found the SG Hentai user group and after seeing a couple of my fave girls Al and Vanesa sing its praises it was like all the cheap dirty bizare ultra kink things in that became fair game to appreciate again and I threw up bids of like $250 on ebay to buy hentai collections. Most of my previous stuff was from Waaaaaaay back in the day when I had a VCR and was about 50/50 recorded vs purchased stuff but I've only got my Cool Devices now on DVD so need to restock the collection. Luckily I lost out on the Ebay bidding...... ohhh shit, I just forgot I needed to go shopping on EBay for my mom's christmas present....... well fuck it, when I finish up here I'll go be productive again..... but yeah I lost out on the bidding, but I found a netflix style site that lets me rent a shit ton of anime including Hentai so my inner perv is going to be run dry in the near future.... and when my inner perv is satisfied I'll still have regular anime to get caught up on. LOL I need a girlfriend. So we'll see how things go with all this stuff.
If you made it past my reborn porn fetish here are some pictures from the Ax Fighting #14 fights I went to yesterday. A lot of really good local fights. 15 fights total, and all but about 3 of them were good entertaining matches. I took over 250 photos total, but deleted out about 50 to 75 of them for being blurry, since it was dark except for the stage lights and it was slightly backlit, and the fighters were obviously trying to move as fast as they could to whip the crap outta each other. Here's a half dozen or so of my fave ones of the fight, plus my fave 3 shot series I got ( all my shots were done in 3 shot burst mode since it was an action event ) which shows one of the fighters Eddie flipping the guy over in a roll.
This was the knockout punch mid motion. You can already see the white guy's knees buckling from the impact.
If you made it past my reborn porn fetish here are some pictures from the Ax Fighting #14 fights I went to yesterday. A lot of really good local fights. 15 fights total, and all but about 3 of them were good entertaining matches. I took over 250 photos total, but deleted out about 50 to 75 of them for being blurry, since it was dark except for the stage lights and it was slightly backlit, and the fighters were obviously trying to move as fast as they could to whip the crap outta each other. Here's a half dozen or so of my fave ones of the fight, plus my fave 3 shot series I got ( all my shots were done in 3 shot burst mode since it was an action event ) which shows one of the fighters Eddie flipping the guy over in a roll.

This was the knockout punch mid motion. You can already see the white guy's knees buckling from the impact.