Ok I feel the need to share:
Which turned into:
Ok so is that not like the most gorgeous plate of french toast you've ever seen or what? Fresh strawberries and a red pear sliced up and thrown in the sauce pan with a small orange juiced on top of it. Then copious amounts of sugar poured over it to help thicken it into the syrupy sauce and left to simmer for a few minutes to thicken up properly and soften the pears a bit, since red ones start out pretty hard.
I have it all planned out though. One day when I have kids and they go over to a friends house for a sleep over, the next day the mom will be like "ok I'm gonna make a special breakfast for you guys! French Toast!" and my children shall rejoice because they'll be used to my high caliber fucking gorgeous fresh fruit creations. My strapping young son will immediately clammour 'Oooo can I have apples and cinnamin?' and my future little daughter will squeel with delight as she asks 'I want some pears and strawberries pweety pweeese!' and then that mom will just be confused and crushed at the brutal honesty of children as she cooks up ghetto french toast, with plain store bought white bread and has only thick maple syrup and some low grade crappy strawberry jam that's been in the fridge for the past 9 months. And my little girl will be all like 'I like daddy's better' and just pick at it with her fork. And then everything will come full circle and I shall proclaim victory as that little housewife gets POWNED!! If your face future imagined parent of my future daughter's friend!!

Which turned into:

Ok so is that not like the most gorgeous plate of french toast you've ever seen or what? Fresh strawberries and a red pear sliced up and thrown in the sauce pan with a small orange juiced on top of it. Then copious amounts of sugar poured over it to help thicken it into the syrupy sauce and left to simmer for a few minutes to thicken up properly and soften the pears a bit, since red ones start out pretty hard.
I have it all planned out though. One day when I have kids and they go over to a friends house for a sleep over, the next day the mom will be like "ok I'm gonna make a special breakfast for you guys! French Toast!" and my children shall rejoice because they'll be used to my high caliber fucking gorgeous fresh fruit creations. My strapping young son will immediately clammour 'Oooo can I have apples and cinnamin?' and my future little daughter will squeel with delight as she asks 'I want some pears and strawberries pweety pweeese!' and then that mom will just be confused and crushed at the brutal honesty of children as she cooks up ghetto french toast, with plain store bought white bread and has only thick maple syrup and some low grade crappy strawberry jam that's been in the fridge for the past 9 months. And my little girl will be all like 'I like daddy's better' and just pick at it with her fork. And then everything will come full circle and I shall proclaim victory as that little housewife gets POWNED!! If your face future imagined parent of my future daughter's friend!!
My guy and I broke up just under 3 months ago.
But, anyway....that plate of food looks really good right now. I'm starving. Also, I'll be living in Yakima. I know...