Ahhhhhhh I be happy..... but I'm retarded.
The Suicide Girls show was tonight in Seattle. The show totally kicked ass. I definitly thought it was better than last year's. But god damn was I retarded. I need to start out with a rant and just get it the hell outta the way first though.
God damn am I a retard. Ok so I'm standing around in the crowd and the first couple bands have finished playing and they're finishing clearing the band crap off the stage and this really cute little blonde girl moves up behind me in the crowd and the crowd has everyone pressed pretty tight but she's pretty much up against my back, then this little girl trailing her guy behind try to cut in the crowd up to the front and everyone pretty much stone walls them so they cant pass up. He complains that he just isnt cute enough to get to move up any so I turn around to make some friendly conversation to the effect of nope fraid not (cause after all for a once a year SG show fuck anyone trying to get between me and the stage) and I really notice her for the first time, and she just grabs my shoulder, digs in with her fingers and hops up a bit and so I go 'You're cute enough though' and she flashes me a big bright smile. Like another half minute of banter and scruffy little punk guy behind next to her strikes up conversation with her, but all the while she's mostly leaning on me and is half grabbing my ass and what do I do....... I let numbnuts finish crashing and burning before trying to really talk to her. I had like a couple little comments I chimed in on, but didnt even try to assert myself any and then the show started. They did their opening bit with all the girls and I screamed at em as they went off stage 'dont leave me!' and I know I heard her laugh at that one and then a couple more numbers went by and she vanished into the crowd without a trace. I never got her name or anything. She admitted how she came to the show on her own and had been looking forward to it for months while she was talking to numb nuts, and how perfect would that have been? Was she grabbing numb nut's ass? I think not, she was grabbing mine! Now admitedly she was pretty well on her way to being drunk already, but did I even start anything substantial? I think not. god what a retard. I was as cute as I'm ever gonna get in life there and did I take advantage no! I was cleaned up, well shaved, hair back with like 4 inches of braid, wearing my good japanese demon shirt.... it was dark! and she'd already had drinks! god damn! I mean she prolly didnt even notice I was ugly and I'd have had a good chance to charm her before she knew any better! I was a retard though and was waiting for numb nuts to crash and burn and for the show to finish up and then I was gonna start talking to her again..... but she poofed before I got around to it. Wanna know why i dont have a freaking girlfriend? that's why!! freaking missed opportunities and me not trying to make any new ones. I hung out slightly as the show let out and didnt see her any and went on my way. Poor retarded me. Can I have a god damn?! and girls need to stay like freaking stationary or something so a guy can go flirt with them. If I cant find you I cant freaking flirt with you now can I?
*sigh* ok onto the actual show stuff.
So there was no Tsu Shi Ma Mi Rae opening for them..... I dunno what happend with that but i was freaking bummed. I was really looking forward to seeing them play again. They actually had 2 opening acts though. The first one was really kinda funny watching. It was a little gay techno 80's synth pop band. Now I dont mean gay in the derogatory fashion, cause I dont think saying something is gay makes any freaking sense or is bad in any fashion...... but I mean the band was litterally gay synth pop band. The lead singer was obviously going for teh slightly spikey pretty boy thing with the ultra short dark beard and sides of his head shaved but wearing eye shadow and spikey little hair. He actually had a nice voice too btw. His two other band mates were basically nerds trying to fit in on stage. They both had huge synthesizers and apple i books up there they were playing on and making little minor adjustments along the way, but they werent really playing much. One point they all backed up and did a little singing thingie off the main singers microphone and the music just kept on playing and switched into the next part of the song on its own before they made it back to the keyboards. The funniest part though was they were singing one fo their songs about 'boys to the left of them, boys to the right of them, boys in the center' and this little cluster of guys in the front row were all turning to each other and I could see one fo them ask '.... are these guys gay or something?' LOL. They werent really sure if they should clap anymore for them or not.
OMG the second opening act Rocket. .... Holy shitballs, that girl on lead guitar.... I wanna bear her children. I will walk through the fires of hell and try to carry her a glass of icewater. I would kill cute puppies for her if she asked me. That girl playing guitar was the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my life. I saw her walking around before the show and I thought she was hot, but omg, when she started playing she just turned into an all powerfull god of allure and strength. I aint talking puppy love Im talking I'd kill puppies for her on demand... although she'd prolly have to be playing guitar all the time to carry that much power. If she asked me without it I'd have second thoughts and try to talk her out of it first I think..... oh yeah the music was good too. Nice straight up rock and roll with some punk rock riffs thrown in.
Onto the girls though and the real point of the show. Hot naked chicks
.... oh yeah, and it was also funny cause for the opening acts like 2 people got caught with cameras and either got booted or had their cameras confiscated. I thought it was kinda funny, although the right call in my book, that one guy just let them keep his camera so he could stay instead of getting booted out so he could keep it instead, like the other girl who got the boot.
It was awesome when all the girls came out though in the opening act and did a nice syncrhonized dance number, all of them in their black and pink SG shirt of choice with short black sg panties on. Nixon had strategically cut the back of her shirt off and had it held together by a half dozen safety pins and had it cut short enough to see the undersides of her breasts. They all did their thing and the crowd roared with approval. Reagan stayed out and left her top on while she went over the rules (no cameras and no touching the girls) and then we eventually got to see her boobs after the crowd roared to her strict approval and the show began for reals.
Nixon came out and did her User Friendly routine she did last year ago, still very nice and damn glad she did. Most of the new girls on the tour this year all did bits together and had much more organized routines which was really nice. I always had hte impression last year that sometimes they just filled in the gaps with shaking their chest or ass a little more till they were ready for the next part or till it was time to move off. Reagan came out and did her napoleon dynamite dance routine too.... omg it was the fucking cutest striptease I've ever seen. Freaking awesome
. I was kinda bummed we didnt get the harsh schoolmistress/dog leashes for naughty schoolgirl routine they did on the DVD and last year with Reagan/Odette/Fanny. That was the hottest act last year... but overall still a much better show and I was very happy when I left..... although pissed at myself for being a retard.
The Suicide Girls show was tonight in Seattle. The show totally kicked ass. I definitly thought it was better than last year's. But god damn was I retarded. I need to start out with a rant and just get it the hell outta the way first though.
God damn am I a retard. Ok so I'm standing around in the crowd and the first couple bands have finished playing and they're finishing clearing the band crap off the stage and this really cute little blonde girl moves up behind me in the crowd and the crowd has everyone pressed pretty tight but she's pretty much up against my back, then this little girl trailing her guy behind try to cut in the crowd up to the front and everyone pretty much stone walls them so they cant pass up. He complains that he just isnt cute enough to get to move up any so I turn around to make some friendly conversation to the effect of nope fraid not (cause after all for a once a year SG show fuck anyone trying to get between me and the stage) and I really notice her for the first time, and she just grabs my shoulder, digs in with her fingers and hops up a bit and so I go 'You're cute enough though' and she flashes me a big bright smile. Like another half minute of banter and scruffy little punk guy behind next to her strikes up conversation with her, but all the while she's mostly leaning on me and is half grabbing my ass and what do I do....... I let numbnuts finish crashing and burning before trying to really talk to her. I had like a couple little comments I chimed in on, but didnt even try to assert myself any and then the show started. They did their opening bit with all the girls and I screamed at em as they went off stage 'dont leave me!' and I know I heard her laugh at that one and then a couple more numbers went by and she vanished into the crowd without a trace. I never got her name or anything. She admitted how she came to the show on her own and had been looking forward to it for months while she was talking to numb nuts, and how perfect would that have been? Was she grabbing numb nut's ass? I think not, she was grabbing mine! Now admitedly she was pretty well on her way to being drunk already, but did I even start anything substantial? I think not. god what a retard. I was as cute as I'm ever gonna get in life there and did I take advantage no! I was cleaned up, well shaved, hair back with like 4 inches of braid, wearing my good japanese demon shirt.... it was dark! and she'd already had drinks! god damn! I mean she prolly didnt even notice I was ugly and I'd have had a good chance to charm her before she knew any better! I was a retard though and was waiting for numb nuts to crash and burn and for the show to finish up and then I was gonna start talking to her again..... but she poofed before I got around to it. Wanna know why i dont have a freaking girlfriend? that's why!! freaking missed opportunities and me not trying to make any new ones. I hung out slightly as the show let out and didnt see her any and went on my way. Poor retarded me. Can I have a god damn?! and girls need to stay like freaking stationary or something so a guy can go flirt with them. If I cant find you I cant freaking flirt with you now can I?
*sigh* ok onto the actual show stuff.
So there was no Tsu Shi Ma Mi Rae opening for them..... I dunno what happend with that but i was freaking bummed. I was really looking forward to seeing them play again. They actually had 2 opening acts though. The first one was really kinda funny watching. It was a little gay techno 80's synth pop band. Now I dont mean gay in the derogatory fashion, cause I dont think saying something is gay makes any freaking sense or is bad in any fashion...... but I mean the band was litterally gay synth pop band. The lead singer was obviously going for teh slightly spikey pretty boy thing with the ultra short dark beard and sides of his head shaved but wearing eye shadow and spikey little hair. He actually had a nice voice too btw. His two other band mates were basically nerds trying to fit in on stage. They both had huge synthesizers and apple i books up there they were playing on and making little minor adjustments along the way, but they werent really playing much. One point they all backed up and did a little singing thingie off the main singers microphone and the music just kept on playing and switched into the next part of the song on its own before they made it back to the keyboards. The funniest part though was they were singing one fo their songs about 'boys to the left of them, boys to the right of them, boys in the center' and this little cluster of guys in the front row were all turning to each other and I could see one fo them ask '.... are these guys gay or something?' LOL. They werent really sure if they should clap anymore for them or not.
OMG the second opening act Rocket. .... Holy shitballs, that girl on lead guitar.... I wanna bear her children. I will walk through the fires of hell and try to carry her a glass of icewater. I would kill cute puppies for her if she asked me. That girl playing guitar was the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my life. I saw her walking around before the show and I thought she was hot, but omg, when she started playing she just turned into an all powerfull god of allure and strength. I aint talking puppy love Im talking I'd kill puppies for her on demand... although she'd prolly have to be playing guitar all the time to carry that much power. If she asked me without it I'd have second thoughts and try to talk her out of it first I think..... oh yeah the music was good too. Nice straight up rock and roll with some punk rock riffs thrown in.
Onto the girls though and the real point of the show. Hot naked chicks

It was awesome when all the girls came out though in the opening act and did a nice syncrhonized dance number, all of them in their black and pink SG shirt of choice with short black sg panties on. Nixon had strategically cut the back of her shirt off and had it held together by a half dozen safety pins and had it cut short enough to see the undersides of her breasts. They all did their thing and the crowd roared with approval. Reagan stayed out and left her top on while she went over the rules (no cameras and no touching the girls) and then we eventually got to see her boobs after the crowd roared to her strict approval and the show began for reals.

Captain Planet has a blue penis.
its actually my poor husband and his evil family