First off, quick Woot-age for rediscovering the Yeah Yeah Yeah's and their song Maps..... freaking love that song.
Its a sad sad thing that the only dream I remember in any detail for the past little while was one about work.... *la sigh*
I remember driving out in marysville heading along the main drag of 88th street and pulling into a driveway there to a customers house. I had basically been helping him with his internet service on the phone and given up on him so I vaguely remember having logged off the phones and snuck out of the call center and just drving out to do it myself. Once I got there I was greeted with a great a vast tangle of cables and cords and crap. He wasnt even hooked up to his computer really, he was trying to connect it up through his X Box with a router and a big ol pile of shit. So after untangling his wires and about ready to reconnect him I suddenly get a sinking feeling in that someone is probably going to miss me being on the phones at work and Im more than likely in immanent danger of being fired so I started throwing all his computer cables in a pile and driving out the door trying to fly back to work asap. I vaguely remember looking at a large bank of washing machines along a wall somewhere in the dream as well although I'm not sure where it fits in.
In shallowly happy news the uber hottie at work was assigned to my table at the employee meeting and after a brief teasing of her to get my mean deed for the day over I tried to be nice to her and that was that..... but weee eye candy
Its a sad sad thing that the only dream I remember in any detail for the past little while was one about work.... *la sigh*
I remember driving out in marysville heading along the main drag of 88th street and pulling into a driveway there to a customers house. I had basically been helping him with his internet service on the phone and given up on him so I vaguely remember having logged off the phones and snuck out of the call center and just drving out to do it myself. Once I got there I was greeted with a great a vast tangle of cables and cords and crap. He wasnt even hooked up to his computer really, he was trying to connect it up through his X Box with a router and a big ol pile of shit. So after untangling his wires and about ready to reconnect him I suddenly get a sinking feeling in that someone is probably going to miss me being on the phones at work and Im more than likely in immanent danger of being fired so I started throwing all his computer cables in a pile and driving out the door trying to fly back to work asap. I vaguely remember looking at a large bank of washing machines along a wall somewhere in the dream as well although I'm not sure where it fits in.
In shallowly happy news the uber hottie at work was assigned to my table at the employee meeting and after a brief teasing of her to get my mean deed for the day over I tried to be nice to her and that was that..... but weee eye candy