My dream memory has been sucking lately. Damned annoying.
I was starting in a basketball game. It was kinda like one of those old school games with the tall skinny white guys in really long oversized uniforms. We made several plays back and forth. The one that stands out the most was when I decided to step back for a change and take a 3 point shot. I shot it so badly that it went up and got stuck in the supports holding the backboard up and then rolled along the top edge of it and then dropped in for the 3 points. I had just kinda willed the ball to drop that way. From there the dream just unravelled. Nothing very exciting to report.
I was starting in a basketball game. It was kinda like one of those old school games with the tall skinny white guys in really long oversized uniforms. We made several plays back and forth. The one that stands out the most was when I decided to step back for a change and take a 3 point shot. I shot it so badly that it went up and got stuck in the supports holding the backboard up and then rolled along the top edge of it and then dropped in for the 3 points. I had just kinda willed the ball to drop that way. From there the dream just unravelled. Nothing very exciting to report.