Let's see firs tthe Earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, and died. Then the Arabs started buying Mercedes Benz, then Prince Charles started wearing all of Pirincesses Diana's clothes, I couldn't believe it he put on her best Sunday dress and went to town...
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 11, 2003
It has been a whirlwind past few days, I have been "playing" with the… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2003
Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, forget ab… -
Tuesday Nov 04, 2003
I need to not get messed up and post nudie pics up there in my pics o… -
Sunday Nov 02, 2003
Finally a moment of relaxation upon the ole apt couch...ahhhh. I have… -
Sunday Oct 26, 2003
Daylight savings time is the most ridiculous none applicable thing in… -
Thursday Oct 23, 2003
Crikey o' Mighty. After completing a dandy 12 hour nap, I feel fin… -
Wednesday Oct 22, 2003
I am sleepy and want to sleep, but I feel bad for going to bed so ear… -
Tuesday Oct 21, 2003
I have not had sleep in over two days, I have had wonderful visions..… -
Tuesday Oct 21, 2003
Less then 10 hours remain on the Monster Report.....hot tea, Rocky so… -
Saturday Oct 18, 2003
In the past few days I have become bearded like Keanu and a vegetaria…
I was wearing stockings and a garter belt. hee hee.