So I turned in today what was supposed to be the final draft of Monster Reoprt...lemme put it this way, some already know this, but it would have been just as good if that when she asked us to hand them over, I climbed up on her desk, dropped my pants, squatted down, and took a big 'ole streamin dump right on her keyboard, cause that's what I felt like I turned in today.
Oh well, I have one week left to perform a miracle, before I had it over to the, take the big ole dump and turn it into..some magical funk.
---"Your fleet has lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will will your friends"

Oh well, I have one week left to perform a miracle, before I had it over to the, take the big ole dump and turn it into..some magical funk.
---"Your fleet has lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will will your friends"
once at camp that happened, i can't remember if this boy fell up the stairs or if i did, but i do know that it was culture club decade and we always yelled "i'll tumble for ya!" whenever we saw each other. he was from athens, georgia and he was a durmmer. i can't even remember his name, i think we were 14. ahhh, youth. (no, we didn't fool around)
you're too cute! remember the carebear movie!!! i just watched that like a yr ago actually. yes yes its true i'm a loser