AHHHH!! Why does everyone in the world try and contact me at exactly the same time...hours pass and no one can be found and then BOOM!! MSN, YAHOO *beedaloop beedaloop* -- cell phones *deeleedo deeleedo* -- people upstairs "*Waaah waah waah waaah"*--- and then as quickly as it appeared -- *crickk, crickk* --- Nothing -- everyone vanishes back to where ever it is they hangout when not attempting to communicate with me ---
I'm on to you world...I know you're conspiring against me
...so that is why I will now go and hide out....muhahhhaha
Run, run fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man
...my future has suddenly appeared on a commercial on Bravo...must...go..
I'm on to you world...I know you're conspiring against me
...so that is why I will now go and hide out....muhahhhaha
Run, run fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man

...my future has suddenly appeared on a commercial on Bravo...must...go..
I think you were in my dream the other night. Weirdness...
We were playing at Toys R Us. And in the dream, your name was Eric.