Well, Here's another journal entry I'm typing just to amuse myself. I am almost certain I will be the only one reading it, so if you stop by be sure to say "Hi" so I feel loved. My sleep habbits have been all fucked up. Maybe because I've been going to the gym after work at 1am (although I've been slacking there too). Maybe I'm just depressed. I'm definately a bit on the lonely side. My good friend Moriah, whom I usually spend a lot of time with, now has a boyfriend and seems to be putting our friendship on the back burner . Serves me right though, I kinda did the same to her when I dated this girl Karen for 3 months. Anyway, I actually did get up before noon today, which lately is unusual, on account of a wasted trip to the Dr. so my brain is not fully functional (not that I'm claming it ever is). Why can't I just win the lottery? Actually, Id just rather have a loving girlfriend with her head screwed on tight. Don't any of you cuties want to live in Florida? One day...
Random Fact About Me (an idea stolen from Vanessa): My first car was a 1972 Dodge Charger, and boy was that a fun car...untill I crashed it
Random Fact About Me (an idea stolen from Vanessa): My first car was a 1972 Dodge Charger, and boy was that a fun car...untill I crashed it
Too bad I am in LA now....