Well, that was Antwerp for a couple of days.
Had to be there for school, it's not that far away, we go there ofren, but now we had to do some stupid shit over there. A class about film production, learned NOTHING new, actually..
So we went to see some bands like Team William and De Staat, ate some really good shizzle at a actor-friend's house, had a couple of beers to many every night and well made a complete ass of ourselves for the week...
But hey, it was all a lot of fun and we're still alive (kinda)
now we need to clean the f-ing house....$@(!
Had to be there for school, it's not that far away, we go there ofren, but now we had to do some stupid shit over there. A class about film production, learned NOTHING new, actually..
So we went to see some bands like Team William and De Staat, ate some really good shizzle at a actor-friend's house, had a couple of beers to many every night and well made a complete ass of ourselves for the week...
But hey, it was all a lot of fun and we're still alive (kinda)
now we need to clean the f-ing house....$@(!