What a day!
I am sad that the corporate world requires you to "play ball" I tough as it is to deal with that madness I am happy as a lark. I shall not let the people who play ball rule my day I shall smile placate as little as required, plot anarchy and collect my check A tiny bit of my art to show this was done when I was 42 to hide my scar from cancer I had mersa twice during the first surgery and have had 2 other surgeries since the last in April. So there are little scars hiding among my mega scar

I am sad that the corporate world requires you to "play ball" I tough as it is to deal with that madness I am happy as a lark. I shall not let the people who play ball rule my day I shall smile placate as little as required, plot anarchy and collect my check A tiny bit of my art to show this was done when I was 42 to hide my scar from cancer I had mersa twice during the first surgery and have had 2 other surgeries since the last in April. So there are little scars hiding among my mega scar