Uploaded pics of meself, one just a closeup of me from the other. I like them, I think I look decent in them.
Ankle is better now, can sort of hobble around wihtout crutches, though sometimes it starts to hurt and I have to grab one.
Found my cellphone (awesomeness) and my house keys and meal card was returned to the desk and I got them back (+awesomeness) so yeah my life is slowly reassembling itself. Looking forward going out at some point with some people to somewhere. As you can see Ive thought it through very thoroughly.
Ankle is better now, can sort of hobble around wihtout crutches, though sometimes it starts to hurt and I have to grab one.
Found my cellphone (awesomeness) and my house keys and meal card was returned to the desk and I got them back (+awesomeness) so yeah my life is slowly reassembling itself. Looking forward going out at some point with some people to somewhere. As you can see Ive thought it through very thoroughly.
i like the pic very much(lipring..
i think their sexy) i say you should do a set on BCB anyway glad to hear the ankle is better!

Hey, I took those pictures, yay!