Looks epic 
Putting together a bit of an old school style meet up, Cafe Crepe on Robson Tuesday 21st 8pm...

Putting together a bit of an old school style meet up, Cafe Crepe on Robson Tuesday 21st 8pm...
So Im back, that's odd.
So summers been good so far. Hit up a masquerade party as a 1920s gangster and had a rockin time, though they confiscated my bat for some unknown reason. I mean a mobster without a bat, unheard of right? Got to hang out wiht some buddies I hadnt seen in a long time. Had to miss out on warped tour on campus and DJ Kutsat...
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So my life is fucking weird right now. Within the last three months I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder(social phobia is the hip name for it), and yesterday I had a thunderclap headache, which is fucking with me to a very large extend, Im not even sure how to approach this.
I went to the doctor and apparently theres ntohing to be worried about...
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I went to the doctor and apparently theres ntohing to be worried about...
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damn! really cool!
Hail One-eye!
Im sure you all missed me..so here I am. I can see this place has gotten a facelift. Itll take time to adjust. So nothings really new for me, just working away the summer.
But anyways, its a celebration bitches. Drink and be merry.
Im sure you all missed me..so here I am. I can see this place has gotten a facelift. Itll take time to adjust. So nothings really new for me, just working away the summer.
But anyways, its a celebration bitches. Drink and be merry.
I like that word sick
It takes years to get any good. Friends have tried to get the scratching mastered and even then it took a few years to get some skill. that guy must have locked himself away for years
I`ll tell you what have you read any China Meville?
Perdido Street Station, then The Scar, and then Iron Council. Great books, sorta a fantasy scifi cross that is totally readable and original.
Keep Well

It takes years to get any good. Friends have tried to get the scratching mastered and even then it took a few years to get some skill. that guy must have locked himself away for years

I`ll tell you what have you read any China Meville?
Perdido Street Station, then The Scar, and then Iron Council. Great books, sorta a fantasy scifi cross that is totally readable and original.
Keep Well
Too true
I`d just travel the world being paid to spin records.
Do check out China
Keep well mate

Do check out China

Keep well mate
Woah its been September since I updated, crazy. I thought Id update on the day of my bday for whatever reason.
Ok sinec last time..schools been good, little bit crazy in the art field but otherwise good. Ive started smoking up more lately, which has increased the junk food intake a bit, so Ive got to start clamping down.
Im excited abvout plans to go...
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Ok sinec last time..schools been good, little bit crazy in the art field but otherwise good. Ive started smoking up more lately, which has increased the junk food intake a bit, so Ive got to start clamping down.
Im excited abvout plans to go...
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No idea if you even check this thing, but I thought I should mention that the girl in the top photo, far right, is gorgeous.
That is all.
Oh, P.S., a guy in my Katimavik cluster is from Richmond. Rock.
That is all.
Oh, P.S., a guy in my Katimavik cluster is from Richmond. Rock.
Update there fella.
Ive been prompted to update. My classes so far are good, though the art history I have at the moment is kinda boring. Two classes (Homer's Iliad and the Odyssey and Social and Political Philosophy) Im still trying to get into so cross your fingers. My room in Gage(the highrise rez) is great, I have a million dollar view I invite all y'all to come...
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Hey man, I realize it's super short notice but you should come out tonight if you're able.
Morrissey - 9:30pm
Rin is back in town for the night
Morrissey - 9:30pm
Rin is back in town for the night
Happy Birthday!

Well we're a third of the way through august and Im still barely maintaining my sanity in preperation for school. Im working at the admin building on campus putting address stickers on post cards inviting people with loans to apply for a bursary or work study. It is the most mindnumbing job ever.
My computer(hopefully) should come this week, and I cant wait. I got...
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My computer(hopefully) should come this week, and I cant wait. I got...
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Cool new hair man. Good to see you're doing the summer fit thing too. I always find it helps with meeting yummy members of the fairer sex. Not so much because you're physically more attractive to them (though it helps for certain) but because you're feeling healthier and more confident.
Enjoy what's left of the non-school year!
Enjoy what's left of the non-school year!
i am a total curry junkie!! The hotter the better!! x x x