What's a person who doesn't have sex doing on SG, anyways..?
It's funny how people here look at me like I'M the one doing something wrong because I don't have sex with everybody. I got told "People like me don't belong here!" Which is true, I guess. It's just funny the way she said it. It's also funny how people have commented about how me and "people like me" are closed minded. But...then they go and tell me that people like me don't belong. What a funny world we live in...
(And by "funny", I mean "crappy!")
(**EDIT**: Just though I'd make sure you all understand that it's not like I'm upset by it at all. I could care less. It's not my loss. I actually found it kinda funny, in that "wow, I feel sorry for you...but haha!" kinda way. If you know what I mean. Okay maybe you don't...ha...)
It's funny how people here look at me like I'M the one doing something wrong because I don't have sex with everybody. I got told "People like me don't belong here!" Which is true, I guess. It's just funny the way she said it. It's also funny how people have commented about how me and "people like me" are closed minded. But...then they go and tell me that people like me don't belong. What a funny world we live in...
(And by "funny", I mean "crappy!")
(**EDIT**: Just though I'd make sure you all understand that it's not like I'm upset by it at all. I could care less. It's not my loss. I actually found it kinda funny, in that "wow, I feel sorry for you...but haha!" kinda way. If you know what I mean. Okay maybe you don't...ha...)
So tell 'em to shove it!
what u what to do is ur own choice and having strong beliefs and opinions is what makes u a great person.
JUst out of curiousity, are u still a virgin b/c of religion or personal convictions?