just saw liars from nyc. brilliant shit, my ears ring.

they even did a territorial pissings cover which was completely unexpected.

gun collector shot dead!!
oh the irony is so i think i'll explode.
neckties are nooses for everyday use.
hurry up lets go to the show.

put those lips on mine just
like you would if we were
killing time.
its a yuppie suicide.
the three thousandth thirty seventy first
yuppie suicide.
damn the man.

i sure could use some time managment skills. if anyone has some extra...send em over...please.
dawn pale grey light brought just what i had most feared (and expected): the familiar sensation of being sick...and knowing it. i'm a firm advocate of using denial as the best form of medicine. simply deny that one is sick and go about normal life and you'll never be bed-ridden. i couldn't convince myself today. when i woke after fitful sleep at noon, i had...
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