Time for the October Prize giveaway!
First Prize something worth $50+ for the first person to get all questions right OR the person with the most questions right at the end of the game.
Second Prize something worth $25+ for the next person to have the most questions right with the earliest posting date.
Third Prize something worth $10+ for the person with the third highest amount of questions right with the earliest posting date.
Contest ends 48 hours after the posting time.
Any edited responses will be discarded, So triple check before you post.
Only those on my friends list allowed to win.
Only one response per person will be allowed, second or more responses will be discarded.
By participating in said contest, one gives his or her rights to sue on basis of contest away.
Lets Being
Section 1: History
1. Why Do I have this Mother Mary card?
2. Why does my left testicle hurt?
3. Why is there still an engagement ring in this box?
Section 2: On the spot
4. Make me laugh
5. Make me sad
Section 3: Match the Tattoo
6. Which Suicide Girls tattoo is this?
7. Which Suicide Girls tattoo is this?
8. Which Suicide Girls tattoo is this?
Section 4: Guess the picture
9. What is this?
10. What is this? (Be Specific)
First Prize something worth $50+ for the first person to get all questions right OR the person with the most questions right at the end of the game.
Second Prize something worth $25+ for the next person to have the most questions right with the earliest posting date.
Third Prize something worth $10+ for the person with the third highest amount of questions right with the earliest posting date.
Contest ends 48 hours after the posting time.
Any edited responses will be discarded, So triple check before you post.
Only those on my friends list allowed to win.
Only one response per person will be allowed, second or more responses will be discarded.
By participating in said contest, one gives his or her rights to sue on basis of contest away.
Lets Being
Section 1: History
1. Why Do I have this Mother Mary card?

2. Why does my left testicle hurt?

3. Why is there still an engagement ring in this box?

Section 2: On the spot
4. Make me laugh
5. Make me sad
Section 3: Match the Tattoo
6. Which Suicide Girls tattoo is this?

7. Which Suicide Girls tattoo is this?

8. Which Suicide Girls tattoo is this?

Section 4: Guess the picture
9. What is this?

10. What is this? (Be Specific)

hey, I dunno if I told you or not.. but I'm sorry about you and your girl splitting up.
How are you holding up?
