My mother told me a stange thing, She woke up in the middle of the night, her eyes popped right open and she said "Day of Atonement". She thought that was weird, and later in the day she read the paper and it said that today is Yom Kippur or The day of Atonement, then she turned on the TV and it said the same thing right as she turned it on. We are not jewish and this is strange. My mother did not know that Yom Kippur is the day of atonement. My sister is married to a Jewish guy and she is going to a Yom Kippur dinner tonight, my mother didn't know that either. It's really weird.
I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately, and they all have to do with counter-cultures and unfair situations and what not. I decided I want to start a revolution. I'm not sure about what, but a revolution none the less, who's with me?!?!?
Oh yeah, Worlds shall be my new name, both here and in life.
I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately, and they all have to do with counter-cultures and unfair situations and what not. I decided I want to start a revolution. I'm not sure about what, but a revolution none the less, who's with me?!?!?
Oh yeah, Worlds shall be my new name, both here and in life.
P.s. this is Jesus, by the way HEHE

Why the name change?