FUCK, My hard drive crashed and I lost my entire portfolio. Everything that I've ever done is lost. This is my job, my future lifeline, it's gone. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I have had so much shit that has happened lately, why don't I recap for those who haven't taken notes.
1. I got engaged to a crazy woman
2. I broke it off with her
3. I got kicked really hard in the left nut and had to go to the hospital
4. I've had two hurricanes
5. My hard drive crashed
I've had other shit happened, but that's the big stuff. Anyway, I think I may move elsewhere, I'm thinking of either New Orleans, Seattle or Chicago. Where do you think I should move?
So I went out to go buy a new computer, but all the stores were close because of the hurricane, so I took the next logical step, I bought a turtle. Here are pictures.
What should I name my turtle?
Should I move to Seattle, New Orleans or Chicago?
1. I got engaged to a crazy woman
2. I broke it off with her
3. I got kicked really hard in the left nut and had to go to the hospital
4. I've had two hurricanes
5. My hard drive crashed
I've had other shit happened, but that's the big stuff. Anyway, I think I may move elsewhere, I'm thinking of either New Orleans, Seattle or Chicago. Where do you think I should move?
So I went out to go buy a new computer, but all the stores were close because of the hurricane, so I took the next logical step, I bought a turtle. Here are pictures.

What should I name my turtle?
Should I move to Seattle, New Orleans or Chicago?