i need to update, so here we go. boring things first, i went to the dentist today and he liked my tongue web piercing. it's really sunny here so i can go to the beach, woohoo. i invited chris but i think he thinks i'm joking. mum keeps stuffing me with chocolatey things, a lot of will power is required. she made a cheesecake yesterday. and some chocolate slices. and some biscuits. and a cake. and a pork pie. (haha). wtf, there's not enough people to eat all this food! ben is coming down today so she'll offer him stuff and he'll be too polite to refuse. she wants to make him a robot cake, what a goober. yesterday i went for a bike ride and i looked proper gross because i wear my shorts to ride the bmx (comfort over style here) and i saw like, 4 people i know... yay?! although i did get a comment "wow look at that bike!" from a twelve year old chav. shame it's my brothers and not mine. speaking of, andy has got well skinny, it's worrying! he wants to go paintballing this weekend, scary shit. aaand people want to go to the rainbow fun house, which is this indoor kids playarea thing, with ball pools and shit (you know the type). it's fun, but not as good as woodlands.
now i have to do domestic things like hoover and tidy and make beds.
over and out fools
now i have to do domestic things like hoover and tidy and make beds.
over and out fools

So I never went back. It's been about 7 years now, my teeth are fine