so, just want to let all you ladies know that i work at BCBG MAXAZRIA. if you like that store and are from the n.w. indiana or chicago land area come see me at work sometime.
today was an alright kinda day. i have a couple days off work and hope to finish things around the apartment i ment to do last week. i get lazy sometimes and just want to do nothing when i get home from work. and winter time just makes me chill and nap alot.
today was an alright kinda day. i have a couple days off work and hope to finish things around the apartment i ment to do last week. i get lazy sometimes and just want to do nothing when i get home from work. and winter time just makes me chill and nap alot.
theyre addicting! i always tell myself ok..after this one no more...and what do you know?...i end up getting more.
Don't worry, he's even harder to offend than I am.