Coyote murdered while in custody of NYC officials
I am outraged and demand an official federal investigation. The coyote who was recently captured in Central Park, where he was peacefully feeding on pigeons and rich peoples' poodle's was killed while in custody. They claim he died while they were trying to "tag and release" him. Bullshit, I smell foulplay and a cover up.
I am outraged and demand an official federal investigation. The coyote who was recently captured in Central Park, where he was peacefully feeding on pigeons and rich peoples' poodle's was killed while in custody. They claim he died while they were trying to "tag and release" him. Bullshit, I smell foulplay and a cover up.
gesso's a primer for canvas. its kind of like really strong acrylic paint. you put it on before you start painting so that the paint doesn't get absorbed into the canvas as much