BRIDE OF CHUCKY GOES PRO IN VEGAS I just saw the strangest comericial. Apparently Jennifer Tilly is playing in a poker tournament today that is going to be on T.V. Is it a joke? While I have lost my shirt both literally and figuratively to women poker players, I just can't imagine the Bride of Chucky as a pro poker player. Well the ad worked...
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Oh it was, that's why I figured it was a migraine instead of a normal headache.
Coyote murdered while in custody of NYC officials
I am outraged and demand an official federal investigation. The coyote who was recently captured in Central Park, where he was peacefully feeding on pigeons and rich peoples' poodle's was killed while in custody. They claim he died while they were trying to "tag and release" him. Bullshit, I smell foulplay and a cover up.
gesso's a primer for canvas. its kind of like really strong acrylic paint. you put it on before you start painting so that the paint doesn't get absorbed into the canvas as much kiss
America The Playground of the Right Wing Conservative

What is going on is that the South Dakota State Legislature passed a law baning abortions knowing that under Roe v Wade it is unconstitutional. Eventually it will go to the Supreme Court. The Right Wing is hoping that since that Supreme Court is now packed with conservatives that Roe v Wade will be overturned. If that...
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Hey, thanks for the comment kiss
I'm pretty middle of the road on politics, but the big issue going on in AZ is the immigration. . .it's crazy.
Well, I am very sad. Just got very bad news. Legendary actor Don Knotts has gone to the great beyond. Rest in Peace Deputy Fife. Say Hello to Andy and Otis the Drunk for me.
George W. has been accused of illegally spying on U.S. citizens. He admitts it and rather than say it was wrong,and that it won't happen again, he gets pissed that anyone found out.

This reminds me of when my parents found pot in my room when I was a kid. My only statemennt was "What were you doing searching through my dresser?".

Am I the...
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I used to live on Long Is.! What part are you from? I lived in Farmingville.
Suffolk. It was nice. But we only were there a year...back in 1985.
Mayor Mikey just gave a press conference with the City's plans for the Strike.........the gist of it was buy a bike or kiss your ass goodbye as far as getting to work. Oh well wonder if my parents still have my Big wheels or Green Machine in their garage
Well, the MTA may be going on strike. Since I have no more vacation or sick days left, staying home and getting drunk is not an option. So I find myself torn.

On the one hand I would like to see the worker's get more money and the MTA does have a surplus.

On the other, I have some experience with Unions and they are...
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Welcome to the site.

You might be pissed, but unions usually are more stigmatized than they actually are. I think that it depends on what they are giong on strike for....